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The precise "rules of the road" vary from state to state, but in general, you're not required to stop for a school bus with its warning lights if there is an UNPAVED median strip between the lanes of traffic.

You can generally get a free copy of your state's rules by going to the DMV web site for your state.

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Q: When do you not have to stop for a school bus with it flashers on?
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When meeting a stopped school bus what should you do?

Slow down and be prepared to stop if the bus flashers turn to red.

When i have stopped for a school bus do not pass until the driver signals you to proceed the red lights stop flashing or?

No, you legally should NOT move until the flashers stop and if there is a stop sign on the bus that it has been retracted. It doesn't matter if a bus driver flags you to go... or signals you to go. If those flashers are red or orange---keep your foot solidly on the brake. Go when the flashers and stop-sign end, AND you can see no other dangers, like a kid in the roadway.

What vehicle does not have to yield to an ambulance?

The "King of the Road" is a school bus with the red flashers on! Even running lights and sirens, emergency responders will stop and shut down the siren for children crossing the road.

When meeting a school bus which has stopped to pick upor dischargechildren you must?

You must stop when a school bus turns on their caution flashers even without a side "stop sign" on the side of the bus. You must wait until all children are safely crossed AND until the bus driver turns off ALL caution lights and retracts the side stop sign mounted to the bus. Even after lights are off, if you see a child on the road, you must stay stopped until all chance of danger is resolved.

Is A School Bus Stop School Property?


What is consider school property from school bus stop?

A school bus stop is not considered school property, such areas are in the jurisdiction of the city or municipality in which they are located.

Can you pass a moving school bus on a two lane road?

You may treat a school bus as you would any other vehicle as you would as long as its flashing lights are not on and its stop sign is not out. If it is still moving and has its red lights on and its stop sign out, you should stop even though it has not come to a complete stop.

How many feet should you stop behind a school bus in Louisiana?

You should stop 50 feet behind a school bus.

Who do you get in touch with to post up a sign for school bus stop?

Bus routes are usually assigned by the school. Contact the school administrator about designating a new stop.

When do you stop for a bus that is stopped?

If it's a school bus, whenever the lights are flashing.

Does a car have to stop when a school bus has his stop arm out when the road is divided but there are breaks at street entrances?

ABSOLUTELY! ( IF the BUS is coming to or at a full stop!)

How far do you have to stop behind a school bus?

The specific distance you need to stop behind a school bus will depend on your local traffic laws. In general, it is recommended to stop at least 20-30 feet behind a school bus to ensure the safety of students entering or exiting the bus. Always follow the instructions and signage on the school bus and be aware of any specific regulations in your area.