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With any horse expected to be handled throughout it's life, it needs to be started on a farrier schedule shortly after being weened and halter broke. Horses don't require shoes until it is being ridden regularly on rough surfaces for extended periods of time. Normally this should be 3 to 6 months after the breaking procedure has begun.

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13y ago

A horse may need shoes due to work stress, for increased traction, gait manipulation, or correction of hoof problems. Your horse should be evaluated by an experienced farrier to determine when shoes are needed, type, and whether re-shoeing is needed. To prior poster- you DO put shoes on a horse, and there are also horse boots that may be used temporarily for unshod horses.

Answer:It is healthier for the horse to be barefoot except for special situations, like founder. Horseshoes restrict blood flow up to the knees as thermal scans show, send harmful vibrations up the leg and many other things.

People may put horse shoes on horses who are kept in stalls because the ammonia from the waste in stalls weaken hooves. They may also have shows to make the horse gait, and some people do it because they just think horses HAVE to have shoes, when really, through gradual introduction to hard footing, a horse would be OK without them.

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12y ago

You can, but it's not a good idea unless it's absolutely necessary because while shoes are damaging to a grown horses feet and legs, they are even more so for horses under 5 years of age because they prevent proper development of the foot structures.

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What does a farrier put shoes on?

They put them on a horse.

Which animal sleeps with shoes on?

Horses. Horse shoes are put on to stay on, so they sleep with them on.

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What did a colonial farrier do?

Farriers are workers who specialize in shoeing horses.

Who makes horse shoes?

A blacksmith or farrier. They make horseshoes as well as put them on the horse. This is what people mean when buying a horse they say 'does the horse stand for the blacksmith/farrier?'

What is the name of a horse with shoes?

Any horse with shoes is still called a horse.

How old does a horse have to be to get horse shoes?

Some horses where shoes at the age of 1 year to correct themselves, but generally a horse will be shoed for the first time between the ages of 3 and 4. Most horses never get shoed. Shoes are put on horses if they are to do certain types of jobs or they have a foot defect. A healthy trail horse may never see shoes.

Where did horse shoes come from?

The blacksmiths make horse shoes

What is the possessive noun for the shoes of the horse?

"The shoes of the horse" is not a sentence, it is a noun phrase; the phrase has no verb. There is no possessive noun is the phrase. The possessive form for the phrase is: "The horse'sshoes...".

Who put shoes on horses?

well, the one who makes the shoes is called a blacksmith. a farrier puts the shoes on the horse.

Are horse shoes used in horse racing?

Horse shoes are compulsory in horse racing. If a horse loses a shoe, it is pulled out of the race.

Should you get shoes put onto your horse that foundered at the end of last year?

Keeping shoes on a foundered horse may be very helpful to them. For best advice, seek the help of a qualified farrier or veterinarian.