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Q: When do you say the pledge of alliegence?
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This answer is wrong pledge to the alliegence

What do you show loyalty to saying the pledge of allegiance?

Do you have September 11th off school?

I live in Missouri, and we do not get off school for September 11th. In fact, as the years go on we do less and less for that date. Now, all we do is say the pledge of alliegence in the morning.

What patriotic 22-word composition was penned by the circulation manager of a youth magazine in honor of Columbus Day in 1892?

The Pledge of Alliegence

Should you say a club pledge before the pledge of allegiance?

I say Pledge of allegiance first

What do you pledge loyalty to when you say pledge of allegiance?


Do Jehovah's say the pledge?

No they do not.

Do the Amish say pledge of allegiance?

The Amish don't say The Pledge Of Allegiance. However in a public school and Amish child would say it.

Why do some people not say the pledge?

Because the first Amendment says Freedom of Speech they have the right to say the pledge if he or she wants to.

WHEN DO WE SAY the pledge during flag raising?

I think after the flag is risen we said the pledge.

Does Bolivia say a pledge?


What do we show loyalty to when we say pledge of allegiance?

The US Pledge of Allegiance is meant to show loyalty to the flag and "to the Republic for which it stands" which is the United States of America.