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No. It is not normal. You are requested to consult your gynaecologist. She may take expert opinion from the endocrinologist.

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Q: When do you start producing breast milk during 6 month it is normal?
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Im one month pregnant but my breast are producing colostrum how can that be?

hormone surge , it probably wont continue

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umm...did you mean weeks?? You dont have an 18 month dear

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Yes, it is normal as long as there is no fever and breast feed is being taken properly.

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Yes, that is very normal.

'when should my breast get milk during pregnancy'?

It's different for everyone - some in the first month and others in the last month

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Breast cancer awareness month is on October.October

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There are a few different things that breast tenderness can be a sign on. Every month females can experience breast tenderness during their period. However, breast tenderness can also be a sign of pregnancy.

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no ! you have a hormonal imbalance and should see you gyno today !

What is the lunar month during pregnancy?

A lunar month is a month calculated on the moon. It is a 28 day month versus the normal monthly variable.

Is it unusual for breast milk to come in during the sixth month of pregnancy?

no it's not unusual for breast milk to come in during the sixth month of pregnancy. When I was pregnant, I had breast milk come in at four months. My doctor said that I was just starting to produce milk. As for you your getting ready to give birth and your breasts are preparing for the birth so your breast milk is starting to run its course and begin coming out soon.

Is a discharge normal during the seventh month of pregnancy?

yes its not worry