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An apostrophe is used in a proper name to show possession. Leah's dress, David's voice, and Justin's hair, for example.

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Q: When do you use an apostrophe in a person name?
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Do you use an apostrophe in a proper name if is more than one person?

Yes! =)

Do you use an apostrophe after a person's name when you are referring to an action they are doing?

You use it when you are referring to the person's property if they have an 's' at the end of their name, for example: You COULD use Jones's books OR Jones' books

Why do you use apostrophe at the end of a name?

It (apostrophe at the end of a name) is used to show that a thing belongs or pertains to the person to whose name it is affixed. "This is Doug's dog."It's also used as a contraction for 'Name is'; "Doug's not here."

When do you use an apostrophe after someones name?

You use an apostrophe after a person's name to show possession of the object that follows the name, e.g., "This is John's hat," or "These are Mary's opinions." If the name already ends in an s, this is what you write: "This is James' magic bag." Compared to: "This is Kragen's magic bag."

When using the name Achilles do you use 's or s' apostrophe?

If you are indicating possession (Achilles' heal) use an apostrophe at the end of the word. If you are simply stating his name, there is no apostrophe.

Do you use a apostrophe when signing your last name on a Christmas card?

No, unless your name has an apostrophe in it or you are using it in the possessive.

When do you use apostrophe for other's?

When it belongs to another person

How do you use an apostrophe for a name that ends with a s?

my nuts

Do you use an apostrophe after a last name ending is s?

When showing possession for a last name ending in "s," the use of an apostrophe depends on the style guide you follow. Both "Jones'" and "Jones's" are considered correct. However, it is more common in modern usage to simply add an apostrophe after the "s" (Jones').

Do you use an apostrophe s to say my mom's name is?

Yes, you do because the apostrophe, in this case, shows belonging. The name belongs to your mom.

Does it is have an apostrophe for possession?

Yes, the correct form is "Does it have an apostrophe for possession?"

Why does get's have an apostrophe?

Unless "Get" is the name of a person, the word "get" should never have an apostrophe because it does not show possession nor is it a contraction. The present tense form of get is "gets" but that does not have an apostrophe.