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No, I can't answer this. Can anyone help me? I really need to pluralize the word "syllabus" in various examples and I don't know when to write "syllabi" and when to write syllabuses." Contact me at

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Curriculum is singular and curricula is plural

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Q: When do you use syllabus vs syllabi?
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Related questions

What is the plural noun for syllabus?

The plural forms syllabi and syllabuses are both correct.

What is the English plural form of syllabus?

The plural of syllabus is syllabi.

How do you say syllabus in plural form?

The plural form of "syllabus" is "syllabi."

What is the plural of syllibus?

The plural of syllabus is syllabusses or syllabi

What is the English plural of syllabus?

The English plural form of "syllabus" is "syllabi" or "syllabuses." Both are considered correct, but "syllabi" is more commonly used in academic and formal contexts.

What is the foreign plural of syllabus?

The Latin plural is syllabi. But the English plural syllabuses is also used.

Does syllabus is syllabuses in the plural form today?

Yes, the plural form for syllabus is syllabuses, the spelling "syllabi" is also accepted.

Is syllabus a singular or plural noun?

The noun 'syllabus' is the singular form. The plural forms are syllabi or syllabuses, both are accepted.

What is the meaning of a syllabi?

Syllabi is the plural of the term syllabus. This means an order or outline of the topics that are meant to be learned or covered in a particular subject or course.

What difference between syllabi and syllabus?

It seems to me that a syllabus gives the schedule of readings or lectures in a course of study, whereas a course outline provides the lecturer contact information, course description, assignments, textbook/reading list, policies, etc. I've had a professor for two years who was very adamant that a distinction be made between the two.

What is foreign plural of syllabus?

The Latin plural is syllabi. But the English plural syllabuses is also used.

What is the plural possessive of syllabus?

The Latin plural is syllabi, and the English plural is syllabuses.So the plural possessive may be syllabi's or syllabuses' (apostrophe only).Examples:The syllabi's exact nature would depend on the professors available for each course.The dean was in charge of the syllabuses' final forms.