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It is acceptable to use an empty alt attribute on images when you are telling screen readers and other assistive technology that the image can be safely ignored.

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Q: When do you use the empty alt attribute?
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What image attribute gives the browser a text message to displays in place of a missing image?

Use the 'alt' attribute. Eg ""

How do you get emage HTML?

the tag is used to insert images. It is an empty element that only has attributes. Two attributes are required for the element: the src attribute and the alt attribute. The src attribute specifies the path of the image file. The alt attribute specifies an alternative text for the image, if the image is unavailable. The syntax for the tag is as follows: To know more check out the cronj IT site.

How do you add image to my HTML?

simply use the <img> tag... include the src attribute and link it to the images URL like so: <img src=""> you should also include the <alt> attribute to make your code perfect: <img src="........" alt=".....">

Which attribute specifies the name of the image to display in HTML?

There is an attribute which defines the name of the image to be displayed. The attribute is called as ALT or alternate.

How do you use the alt tag in HTML?

The alt attribute in HTML is used to attach a short description to an image. This description can be used by screen readers which are aiding the visually impaired. Browsers will also show the alt text while the page loads. If you have images in the browser turned off, the alt text will be displays in place of the image. Let's say we have an image that represents a stop sign. We use this image to stop the processing going on in our web application. <img src="stopsign.png"> The W3C requires an alt attribute. In this case, a good alt attribute won't simply describe the image, but rather describe what the image does. <img src="stopsign.png" alt="Stop Processing"> An alt tag is required on every image to maintain compliance with the W3C specifications.

How does HTML allow you to insert an image on a page with an alternate text if the image is not loaded?

You use the alt attribute on the image tag. The alt attribute takes a short description of the image for its value. For instance:If the browser failed to load the image (for instance, if it wasn't present on the server where I said it was) or if it had images turned off, or if were a screen-reader used by the visually impaired, then the alt text is display/read.The W3C makes an alt attribute a requirement on all valid IMG tags since HTML 4.01.

What is an attribute that provides alternative text for an image?

Alt text (alternative text) is a word or phrase that can be inserted as an attribute in an HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) document to tell Web site viewers the nature or contents of an image. The alt text appears in a blank box that would normally contain the image.

How do you use alt for linked images?

alt is an attribute of the <img> element. If you've already got <img scr="path_to_your_image.jpg> just add the following before the > alt="description_of_your_image" this alt text will be displayed when, for some reason, the image is not displayed. To be 'valid' in the eyes of all <img>s must contain an alt.

Should all images have alt text?

Don't add alt text to every image. You should add alt text to most images on a webpage for the sake of SEO, UX, and accessibility — however, there are exceptions. Images that are purely decorative or are described in text nearby, for example, should have an empty alt attribute. All images must have alternate text to convey their purpose and meaning to screen reader users.

What is the HTML attribute alt for?

Some browsers will have options to turn off certain dynamic figures, such as images, videos, flash files, and such. When these certain figures do not appear, an alternate message is displayed instead. This message is set with the "alt" attribute, which is only valid in a few tags. Also, when some browsers see that cursor is hovering over an image, the alternate text is displayed. It should be noted that the alt attribute is required for those who wish to comply with some w3 Document Type Declarations. ---- <img src="duck.jpg" alt="A duck" /> ----

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How to do a question mark with alt?

Use Alt-63. And if you need the upside down version (Spanish) use Alt-168.