

When doctor checks your teeth does it pain?

Updated: 1/25/2021
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Q: When doctor checks your teeth does it pain?
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It means you need to see a dentist to find out what is going on with you teeth. If, instead of your teeth breaking like chalk, your fingers broke off and you felt no pain, would you hesitate to see a doctor? See a dentist before you feel pain.

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A Doctor Who checks menstruation.

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when you are wearing braces they are slowly pulling or pushing your teeth in a certain direction, the pain is caused by the shifting of your teeth and the braking of the roots that hold your teeth in place

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Why do your teeth keep break off?

by medical point of view it breaks because of calcium deficiency , some diseases that cause swelling in gums and cause loss of teeth , by cavities teeth breaks or some times they are removed by doctor causing a lot of pain in gums .

What if your doctor says the vicodin you take for your back wont work on your teeth do narcotics center on a particular pain?

No, the active ingredient in Vicodin (Hydrocodone) acts on the nervous system as a whole to reduce pain, and should therefore work for pain in any part of the body.