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No, Hawaii has a volcano witch makes really mild there.

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Q: When does Hawaii have the most typhoons?
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When is the best time to travel to Hawaii?

Some others answered this question by saying in the summer because there are no typhoons then. That is incorrect, as typhoons can occur at any time, but the peak time is between May and October, clearly putting the summer right in the middle of that. That being said, typhoons do not hit Hawaii all that often. In my opinion, the best time to go would be when it is the winter time in most of North America. That way you get out of the cold and enjoy the warm weather in Hawaii. This also coincides with the best time for whale watching, which is between December and May.

Where do typhoons occur most?


Where do most typhoons originate?

pacific ocean

Where is the busiest place for typhoons?

The tropics of the Pacific Ocean is the busiest place for typhoons to form and they normally do most damage in the Western Pacific Ocean.

Where do the most violent typhoons appear?

around central America .

Where in southeast Asia are typhoons most common?

phillipines and china

What place in the Philippines a lot of typhoons?

On average there are about 25 tropical storms and typhoons which hit the Philippines each year. Statistically Luzon is the region most likely to get hit but you can also experience typhoons in the Visayas and Mindanao regions.

Where do most of the typhoons that hit the Philippines come from?

typhoons came from Pacific Ocean. Hurricanes came from Atlantic Ocean.And Tornadoes came from Indian Ocean.

What are The Names of the Countries most affected by Typhoons?

Philippines zimbawae and china

The most powerful storms on Earth are .?

Hurricanes. Like - Typhoons and Cyclone

Where do most typhoons hit east Asia and why?

That's what they call a hurricane there.

What contInent most likely to have typhoons?

Asia is the continent most likely to experience typhoons, with countries like Japan, the Philippines, China, and Taiwan being particularly vulnerable to these tropical storms.