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When there is a vacancy on the Court due to the death, resignation, retirement, or impeachment of an incumbent US Supreme Court justice. Federal judges, including Supreme Court justices, are commissioned for life.

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  • The nominee should agree with the President's general interpretation of the US Constitution. (The so-called litmus test) This quality is measured by studying the person's past decisions on the bench and reading legal papers he may have written.
  • The nominee needs to be someone that the Senate will confirm. He must have some praise-worthy legal experience, usually as a federal judge . he must not be too extreme in his decisions or past writings. He also must also have a clean record. (Candidates have been rejected for failing to pay social security tax for their nanny or for smoking pot. ) This requirement is harder to meet if the Senate is controlled by the party in opposition to the President.
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Q: How does the president choose nominees for supreme court justice?
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The US President nominates the Chief Justice, who may already be an Associate Justice or may be someone outside the Supreme Court. The Senate must confirm the nomination by a simple majority vote.

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A justice of the US Supreme Court typically steps down by submitting a formal resignation letter to the President of the United States. The justice may choose to retire voluntarily or due to health reasons. Once the resignation is effective, the President will nominate a replacement who will then go through the confirmation process in the Senate.

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There is no specific term limit for a Supreme Court justice. They are appointed for life, unless they choose to retire or are impeached.

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The United States Constitution includes rigid separation of powers, simultaneously counteracted by a system of checks and balances. The American president as chief executive can influence courts through their selection of nominees based on political leanings. That being said this power in turn is checked and can be negated by the Senate's authority to deny confirmation of judicial nominees.

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A justice on the Supreme Court of the United States has no tenure. It is a lifetime appointment. The justice may, however, choose to retire at any time.

A justice on the US Supreme Court is appointed for life unless what happens?

A justice on the US Supreme Court is appointed for life unless they choose to retire or unless they are impeached and removed from office by Congress for misconduct or wrongdoing.

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The idea of this decision was to keep the justices out of politics so that their decisions would not be influenced by them wanting to be reelected.

Can you have a second term for chief justice?

There are no terms for US Supreme Court Justices. A Chief Justice may remain in that office until he or she decides to leave or is unable to do the job any more (as in very sick or dead). If a Chief Justice steps down, the Senior Associate Justice serves in his (or her) capacity on an interim basis until the Chief Justice is able to return to work or the President and Senate choose a successor. This has happened a few times in the history of the Supreme Court.

What influence does the President have over the US Supreme Court?

The president has some influence over the supreme court, but only to an extent. As previously stated he nominates people to the supreme court, but this in turn is checked by the legislative function in the government so his influence is small here if anything. He does however have the power and right to openly support or criticise the court, thus to an extent influencing some of their decisions.The President has the power to fill open judge positions by submitting nominees of his choice to the Senate. He can choose people who agree with him on constitutional questions.

How are justices on the Supreme Court chosen?

The president gets to choose the justices himself

What system is in place when the president choose who will a supreme court justice?

Checks And Balances is what the concept is called. The chief executive appoints the supreme court justices but the upper house of the legislature must approve his choices, so no one part of government rules over the others.

How did the Whig Party choose its presidential nominees?

by vote