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The conflict often happens nearly halfway into the story. It occurs before the climax of the story.

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1mo ago

A conflict in a story typically occurs when the main character faces an obstacle or challenge that they need to overcome in order to reach their goal. This conflict helps drive the plot forward and creates tension and interest for the reader. It usually occurs early in the story and continues to develop throughout.

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As many as it can

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Q: When does a conflict in a story usually occur?
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Is the climax and the conflict the same?

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The conflict of each story is usually found at the middle of the story. It is wherein problem arises. The story will end after the conflict is resolved.

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The main problem in a literary work is known as the conflict. The classic story arch depends on the conflict, which characters work to solve until it comes to a head in the climax and is usually resolved at the end of the story.

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The problem in a story is also known as the conflict.

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