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Q: When does a foal start eating a hay and drinking water?
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How old are zebras when they start eating grass?

A zebra foal will start eating grass, or at least mimic what its mother eats as young as a few days to a week old. Most of the time, though, the foal depends on its mother's milk for nutrition over the more coarser and harder-to-digest grasses of the African savannah.

What is is a foal feeder?

a foal feeder is a type of set up that allows a foal to be able to eat grain or hay with out their mother eating it. There are many different types of foal feeder set ups.

What does a foal eat first when it comes out of the horse?

It will usually drink milk from its mother. Or if the mother died, or cannot produce milk, the foal will be fed a formula in a bottle. As it grows it will start eating grass and hay, then eventually all the foods older horses eat.

Where is the foal in horse life adventures DS?

What you have to do is find the castle then the Queen will ask you if you've lost a foal. The foal that she found isn't your but on one of the hills you can see your foal eating a bunch of flowers. I can't tell you where the hill is. You will have to figure that out for yourself

What age does the horse feeds itself?

A foal usally feeds itself when it is around 4- 9 months old. After this it starts to eat fully and gets to uses it teeth more. Between these 5 months, it mainly uses its mothers milk but then after 2 years old, it starts eating more and drinking water.

How do horses care for young?

There are many ways that a mother will care for its foal, she will nurse him/her, protect them from harm, then when the time is right she will show them the how to survive, drinking water from pails or ponds, protection etc...

When does a foal first start to move before birth?

The foal should start moving about the 4 or 5 month but it will be hard to see or feel at this time. At about 8 to 10 months you may see the foal move or kick the mare's side.

Can a mare continue to produce milk even after her foal Is weaned?

Only if she's been nursed by another foal who's been stealing milk from her. Otherwise, no, the mare should start the drying-up process after her foal is weaned or after she has weaned her foal by herself.

What feed do you use for your foal?

The first food the foal needs is colostrum from the mother - this is the first milk the mare will produce and contains vital antibodies to help keep the foal from getting sick until its own immune system finishes developing. For the first 3-5 months the foal needs high-quality horse milk, preferrably from its mother, as well as free choice access to good quality grass hay and clean drinking water. After this you can begin offering starter grain to the foal, being sure the mare cannot eat this grain (it's very rich and will often make her sick).

What happens if a young foal stops eating?

depends on what it stops eating milk hay? either way I wouldn't wait more than a whole day of not eating before I called the vet and asked their advice.

What is a good foal deworming program?

Most foals don't need to be dewormed until they start eating grass on pasture; even then, provided the adult horses have been regularly dewormed there isn't much need for a foal to be dewormed. I would suggest not developing a standard program, but rather working with your veterinarian to address worming issues as needed in specific foals.

What is a motherless foal called?

An orphan foal.