

Best Answer

I see that tour groups offer their trips May to September so I am assuming during these months.....

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Q: When does a loggerhead sea turtle lay her eggs?
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How many eggs can a loggerhead turtle lay?

The Loggerhead sea turtle can lay up to four clutches, and then can not lay eggs for around another two years.

Is a loggerhead sea turtle born alive or in an egg?

Turtles lay eggs in what is called "clutches" where they lay around 70 to 100 eggs at a time.

Does a logger turtle lay eggs or give birth?

If you mean Loggerhead Sea Turtles, then they lay eggs. (I think all turtles lay eggs) Loggerheads, as well as all other Sea Turtles, lay their eggs on a beach, usually the same beach where they themselves hatched.

How far does a loggerhead sea turtle travel?

Sea turles can travel thousands of miles in their lifetime, but always return to the same beaches to lay their eggs, year after year.

When was Loggerhead sea turtle created?

Loggerhead sea turtle was created in 1758.

How far can loggerhead turtles travel in migrations?

The Loggerhead sea turtle can be found in the Atlantic, Pacific, and Indian Oceans. The loggerhead mostly stays in the water, females come out of the water briefly to lay eggs.

How many babies does a loggerhead sea turtle have?

Anywhere from 10-36 eggs.

Does a sea turtle lay eggs?


How many eggs can a sea turtle lay?

a sea turtle can lay 50-160 eggs but they lay 10 per minute.

What distance does a mama turtle lay her eggs from the sea?

the mama sea turtle lays it on the land

Is the loggerhead sea turtle the biggest turtle?

The leatherback is the largest sea turtle.

How many eggs does a sea turtle lay in its lifetime?

In it's whole lifetime the average Turtle will lay an estimated 1,800.