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Most psychologist theorize that multiple personalities arise as a mechanism to protect the "real" personality from harm. Following from this theory, they assume that further multiples, which they dub 'alters', usually manifest during periods of stress. They believe these personalities to be limited, even archtypal, and to switch between personalities on triggers [either circumstantial events or certain triggering emotions], or at the command of the host [the 'original' person].

Other theories of note:

'Natural multiplicity', also known as 'healthy multiplicity': The individuals sharing a body do not arise out of any stress or trauma [though they may experience trauma at the same incidence as any other non-multiple individual]. Rather, all identities arise naturally. Different multiple systems may have completely different systems for switching primary control between members - some may even spend most of their time 'sharing' between one or more members. [Sharing is when two or more people are controlling the body, or taking control of different parts of the body, at the same time]. Some systems may appoint a member [not nescessarily the first or original member] to manage fronting [primary control] and sharing. Others may switch at each members will. Others might have an organized system of tasks at which each member automatically fronts, and then decide the rest democratically. There are countless ways multiple systems dole out how the body will be 'shared' or when a change in primary control will be conducted.

'Socially Induced Multiplicity': A limited form of multiplicity which can occur when a person mimics multiplicity or dissosociative Identity disorder on exposure to DID or other multiples. This is rarely done on purpose. The fragment personalities 'dissapear' when no longer for social interaction or social attention.

'Demonic possesion': While rare, demonic possesion can mimic multiple personality.

'Walk-Ins': The theory that multiples are outside souls, ghosts, demons, or other beings who 'wandered in' and took up residence.

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Q: When does a person with multiple personalities disorder change their personality?
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it depends on the person and if they want to change and it also depends on how bad the case is and how long have they been tapping in to these split personalities and if its a boy or agirl.need more info

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When you have a split personality, you have two or more personalities and so it is like you are two different people. When you have multiple personalities, you have lots of different sides to you. When you have a split personality, one personality is your "regular" one. The other is a direct contrast to your "normal" one. With multiple personalities, you may have moe than two, and it is as though you have multiples versions of yourself in one body whom you may switch to from time to time.

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Its actually fairly well known among LP fans that Hahn has a split personality or alter ego which is named "Remy" Remy has even appeared vocally in two LP songs Cure for the Itch and Fuse. However there is nothing to suggest that Hahn actually suffers from Dissociative Identity Disorder other wise known as Split or Multiple personalities in which the two (or more) personalities can change at random and results in lost time and memories for the other personalities.

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How frightened you get is a part of your personality.

Is it possible to have two personalities?

AnswerIt is possible in some sense. You could act shy in public but be very talkative at home. You could be timid at school, but can easily say things over the Internet.AnswerIt is completely possible to have a split personality disorder but extremely rare. A social anxiety or bipolar disorder is more commonly associated with change of mood or personality.

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Do patients who have Dissociative Identity Disorder or Multiple Personality Disorder have a dominant personality?

Most dominant personalities are the ones that deal with external life issues. They MUST be strong so that life can do on as normally as possible. Myth - That core / host personalities are the weakest link to any system Myth - That child alters are mere reflections of memory rather than having a life outside the abuse loop. Myth - That MPD / DID is a "mental" disorder. It is rather a coping skill. Myth - That those with multiple personalities are "disabled" and cannot function in life. Myth - That dominant personalities are the ones that seek out help the most. Myth - Dominance has to do with "birthright", meaning that the core is suppose to be the one encouraged to dominate the systems inside. This almost is never effective. Host personalities or core personalities are usually the ones who do most of the disassociating and have most of the memory loss. It is impossible for the core to be "in control" of the rest of the internal system. - The above refers to multiple groups who have been classified, often incorrectly, as having DID. For the multiple groups who do not have a disorder and would never meet the diagnostic criteria, being self-aware, and often sharing memories, there is a slightly different answer. 'Sometimes'. In the same way there are 'type A' and 'type B' personalities, in any multiple group there are extroverts and introverts, and those who like to boss others around, and those who are naturally better at leading, and also those who are naturally more selfish. (Generalization, multiple groups vary quite extremely) Groups vary on how they 'divy up time'. Some give it out equally, some it is a free for all, others make up very finely detailed rules. In some groups switching without permission is allowed, in some it is not. Myth - That having multiple people sharing one body must be a disorder, or a coping skill. Multiplicity is quite often naturally occuring, and having many people sharing one body is in no way a detriment to life unless individuals let communication issues or other problems get in the way - just like family. Myth - That having different people in one body means the 'first' one needs help or must have suffered trauma This is probably the largest myth multiples face, that their very existence means something went 'wrong' in the first person's life, and that they are merely the fragments caused by inability to process trauma in order to help cope Back on topic: The dominant personality, if there is one, in a multiple group is the person with the most 'dominant personality' - jsut like the 'dominant personality' in a room full of people is the person with the most dominant personality. This does not mean that persons always gets to make all the rules or be out front all the time, although often the most type A of the group will end up in front a lot, and the shyest will stay in back. The person with the most dominant personality may not be the 'strongest' or the 'smartest' either. Who is 'most dominant' can change, especially according to situation. A person who is usually forceful and likes to be out and about, but hates 'boring things' might not want to front during a museum tour. Or, if everyone has 'assignments' - such as who talks, who writes, who sings, etc, the force of individual personalities may not come into play as much.

What is the name given to a condition when one has a different personalities while asleep and has no knowledge of them while awake?

Paranoia. Given you are asleep and you have no knowledge of any sleep disorder while awake, you would never know if you had a disorder or not. There'd be no gaps in your memory and nobody else will witness your change in personality because you were asleep the entire time. Therefore you are paranoid. If you really did have a sleep disorder that involved a split personality that you have no memory of, the only way it could be diagnosed is if you woke up during an episode and were witnessed by a third party. You might try filming yourself while sleeping.