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Rabbit Behavior

Rabbits are very communicative and social and you can learn a lot about your rabbit from watching his body language. Visit the fascinating site The Language of Lagomorphs to see photos and find out many interesting things about bunny body language. Below are some observations about bunny behavior that are helpful to know:

  • Both ears up with inside of ear facing forward - friendly, happy bunny

  • Inside of ears turned outward - getting annoyed

  • One ear up and one ear down - more annoyed, could go either way

  • Ears up with inside turned to back - annoyed, getting angry

  • Lays ears back from position described above, crouched body - prepare to be bitten

  • Looks at you and waggles ears - happy, wants to interact

  • Turns back on you - you have been dismissed

  • Thumps and turns back on you - you have caused great offense

  • Moves away from you flicking its back feet - you have causes annoyance

  • Flopped with both back legs out side together - relaxed

  • Flat as possible on tummy with ears laid down in relaxed way - wants to be petted

  • Pushes head under your hand or under your chin if you are cuddling - wants to be petted

  • Pokes you with nose - marking or accepting you

  • Licks you - grooming behavior; a great favor for a rabbit to bestow; you can reciprocate by petting him

  • Purring sound when you are petting - this is tooth purr; happy content rabbit

  • Jumping and twisting in the air (called a binky) - happy rabbit

  • Racing wildly around the room - in the absence of any fear stimulus this is a happy bunny (if he is happy he will stop and groom or flop; if frightened will try to hide or stop and freeze)

  • Stands up on hind legs (called telescoping) - checking things out

  • Frozen with heart racing - terrified

  • Yawning - indicates anxiety

  • Consumption of moist fecal pellets - normal behavior essential for nutrition

  • Pulling out fur and making a nest - normal behavior for unspayed female bunny

  • Digging in litter box - may just like to dig; may indicate dirty litter box

  • Chewing on bars of cage - bored; give him toys, more attention, more freedom, chewable items, adequate hay

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Q: When does bunnies ears go up and down?
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Are you suposed to pick bunnies up by there ears?

no rabbits ears are very sensitive and they use them very readily for hearing and picking them up by the ears can harm their hearing

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Is there a difference between bunnies and rabbits?

first answer: No, there is no difference between a bunny and a rabbit. The word "bunny" is just a nickname for rabbits -- it derives from the old-time word for "rabbit," which was "coney" (pronounced with a soft "o," like "honey"). The word "rabbit" actually used to mean baby coneys -- nowadays, "rabbit" refers to the animal in general, "bunny" is a nickname, and babies are called "kits" (or "kittens"). second answer: I think they do have a difference between them because the bunny has their ears bend down forward and the rabbit ears stays up response: You are thinking of lop-eared rabbits. Bunnies with ears that bend down are called lops or lop-eared. Bunnies with ears that stay up don't have a special name.

Do great dane's ears have to be up?

No they don't. They can have ears that hang down or that point up. They can also have short pointy ears or short hanging down ears.

How do bunnies use their ears to help them live?

In the wild, the ears help them listen for predators and other dangers. For a pet, they don't matter much.

How would rabbit ears compare to your own ears?

Rabbit ears are larger than our ears. Rabbit ears can hear 10x better than humans can. Rabbit ears are covered in fur, we have ear hair. Our ears go on the side of our heads and rabbit ears go straight up or lop down if it is a lop rabbit.

What does it mean when bunnies stick their ears up?

haha most of rabbits ear is up but it doesnt mean their happy if u know that your rabbit is happy is if it come to you and licks you and lies down near your legs ^^

Why do your ears pop when you go up or down a hill?

It has to do with air pressure. Whenever there is a big difference between the air pressure inside your ears and outside your ears the ear drum expands or contracts to try to even out the pressure. This causes popping.

How long did it take for a German shepherds ears to go up?

Not all German Shepherds ears go up.

How fast do the Sears Tower elevators go?

it took one min. to get up to the 103thrd floor, and your ears pop on the way up and down is what i experienced.

Why do your ears pop under water?

because water is more dense then air and further you go down the presure builds up making your ears pop.

Are sheeps ears up or down?

It depends on the breed but they mostly hang down