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In telophase in mitosis and both telophase I & II in Meiosis

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During Telophase II

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Q: When does cytoplasm divide into two daughter cells?
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Why doesnt mitosis alone produce daughter cells?

Mitosis alone does not produce daughter cells because the cytoplasm has to divide. This is called cytokinesis and it happens at the end of telophase.

When is cytokinesis complete?

It is complete when two daughter cells are produced. Cytokinesis is the process in which the cytoplasm of a single cell divides to form two daughter cells.

In what mitotic stage does the cytoplasm divide?

The stage of mitosis in which cytoplasm divides is called cytokinesis. This stage is often simply called cell division. In this stage two daughter cells are formed.

is a reason cells divide?

The cells divide into two daughter cells, to make way for replication.

What is mitisos?

mitisos are when cells divide into two daughter cells

The cytoplasm is divided into two daughter cells during?

It is dividing during the Anaphase.

How do animal cells and eukaryotes without cell walls divide their cytoplasm during cytokinesis?

In animal cells and other eukaryotes that do not have cell walls, division of the cytoplasm begins at the cell membrane. The cell membrane begins to pinch inward to form a groove, which eventually pinches all the way through the cell, and two daughter cells form. The division of cytoplasm is called cytokinesis.

Where does the DNA and cytoplasm reside after cellular reproduction by a parent cell?

In the two daughter cells.

During division in cellular reproduction the DNA and cytoplasm of the parent cell distributed to two?

During division in cellular reproduction, the DNA and cytoplasm of the parent cell is distributed to two daughter cells. These daughter cells are genetically identical to each other.

The division of a cells cytoplasm is called?

Cytokinesis is the division of a cell's cytoplasm, following the completion of mitosis or meiosis. During cytokinesis, the cytoplasm is divided into two daughter cells, each containing a nucleus.

What is cytokinessis?

Cytokinesis is when the cytoplasm of a single eukaryotic cell is divided to form two daughter cells

What occur in cytokinesis?

Cytokinesis is the process by which a cell divides its cytoplasm to produce two daughter cells