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It is dividing during the Anaphase.

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Q: The cytoplasm is divided into two daughter cells during?
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How do cells reproduce during mitosis?

During mitosis, the replicated chromosomes are divided into two genetically identical daughter nuclei, and then the cytoplasm divides during cytokinesis, forming two genetically identical daughter cells.

How do cells reproduce mitosis?

During mitosis, the replicated chromosomes are divided into two genetically identical daughter nuclei, and then the cytoplasm divides during cytokinesis, forming two genetically identical daughter cells.

Is the cytoplasm always equally divided between daughter cells?


What is divided into two cells during mitosis?


What is cytokinessis?

Cytokinesis is when the cytoplasm of a single eukaryotic cell is divided to form two daughter cells

What forms between the divided nucleus during cytokenesis in plant cells?

The cell plate forms between the divided nuclei during cytokinesis in plant cells.

When is the cytoplasm of the cell divided?

The cytoplasm begins to divide during telophase in mitosis or telophase 1 and 2 in meiosis. In Cytokinesis, a cleavage furrow forms and the cell pinches in. In plant cells, a cell plate forms between the 2 daughter cells.

What happens to the cytoplasm in prophase?

It divides in two though i am not sure if it is equal proportions. Think of taking a perfectly round water balloon and pinching it with your fingers in the center. The water on the inside is like the cytoplasm.

What is the meaning of cytokensis?

it is the process by which cytoplasm of single eukaryotic cell gets divided into two daughter cells

During division in cellular reproduction the DNA and cytoplasm of the parent cell distributed to two?

During division in cellular reproduction, the DNA and cytoplasm of the parent cell is distributed to two daughter cells. These daughter cells are genetically identical to each other.

A cell splits into two daughter cells during telophase?

Yes, but not during meiosis of an egg cell since all of the cytoplasm goes into one of the daughter cells.

Cytoplasm divides unequally in meiosis during production of what?

The cytoplasm divides unequally during the production of ova (Oogenisis) This is because out of the four daughter cells created during meiosis, only one is needed to produce a single ovum, whearas in Spermatogenisis all four evolve to become sperm; thus the cytoplasm is divided equally.