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Q: When does friendship become harmful?
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What will the friendship become like when getting old?

The friendship has changed more deeply and naturally.

When does soil become harmful?

It is either naturally acidic or the rocks and minerals around it make it become acidic. This can be harmful to plants.

Why does lion become harmful?

When lion hungry lion want to eat then lion get harmful

How can harmful animals become harmful?

oh very simple because the help to animals

How do animals become harmful?

if they're not handled at a young age they can become vicious.

How long is it for friends to become best friends?

You first need to understand that friendship grows. Nurturing friendship With the right character it will grow.

How do cow become useful and harmful?

Cows are helpful by producing milk but are harmful by the amount of methane they create.

How do dogs become useful and harmful?

They are not very harmful, but if they are respected with care then they with become useful by teaching kids responsibility and creating an open soul to those with animals in mind.

How do you ask a girl if your friendship with her is going anywhere and will ever become a relationship?

Take a good look at the friendship and try to find any signs if it can become a relationship, if you find any, then you should ask her flat out.

Is Hand Practice is Harmful For Gym Going Boy?

It is in no way harmful as long as it doesnt become a chronic obsession

Is the Yeti harmful?

Assuming the Yeti exists... It can be harmful depending if you provoke it or not. As a rule of thumb, don't start screaming at it or trying to frighten it. Then it will most certainly become harmful.

What is harmful competition?

Harmful competition is when one pushes themselves to far. When they become a danger to their health or have break downs when they lose.