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In most eukaryotes mitochondria replicate and fuse all the time; they don't have to replicate during the cell cycle.

In cells that have only one mitochondrion (like kinetoplastids) mitochondria follow the same replication process as the cells (G1, S, G2 and M phases).

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Mitochondria replicate in G1 phase.They are replicating themselves.

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13y ago

In the Second Growth (G2) Phase

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Q: When do the mitochondria replicate in the cell cycle?
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Which cellular organelles replicate in the G1 phase of the cell cycle?

Organelles such as the mitochondria and the chloroplasts replicated in the G1 phase of the cell cycle. This is so that when the cell divides, no parts are lost.

Why is DNA present in mitochondria of a cell?

It is thought that the mitochondria were once microorganisms and so have their own DNA.

Does mitochondria replace itself in the cell?

They have their own DNA.So they can self replicate.

When does the mitochondria replicate?

It replicates in the cell division.It occurs in G1 phase.

What part does cell cycle does cell replicate its DNA?


How do organelles replicate?

Replication is when the process by which a cell makes a copy of the DNA in its nucleus. Mitosis is the stage of the cell cycle during which the cell's nucleus divides into two new nuclei and one copy of the DNA is distributed into each daughter cell.

When does DNA replicate during the cell cycle?

During synthesis stage of the cell cycle

What phase of mitosis are mitochondria made?

It all depends on which organism you are talking about and there is no set phase.In many single-celled eukaryotes, their growth and division is linked to the cell cycle.In single cell algae. the only chloroplast and then the only mitochondrion divide before the nucleus undergoes mitosis and before cytokinesis.In other eukaryotes (in mammals for example), mitochondria may replicate their DNA and divide mainly in response to the energy needs of the cell, rather than in phase with the cell cycle. If it does replicate with the cell cycle, it can occur during the S phase of the mitotic cycle and even through out the mitotic cycle.It all depends on which organism you are talking about and there is no set phase.In many single-celled eukaryotes, their growth and division is linked to the cell cycle.In single cell algae. the only chloroplast and then the only mitochondrion divide before the nucleus undergoes mitosis and before cytokinesis.In other eukaryotes (in mammals for example), mitochondria may replicate their DNA and divide mainly in response to the energy needs of the cell, rather than in phase with the cell cycle. If it does replicate with the cell cycle, it can occur during the S phase of the mitotic cycle and even through out the mitotic cycle.

A sentence using the word cell cycle?

The cell cycle is the process in which cells use to divide and replicate.

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Can mitochondria and chloroplasts reproduce within the cell?

Mitochondria produce lots of energy, infact they are known as the power houses of the the cell, however chloroplasts capture the duns energy and turn it into food, chloroplasts also split water and release oxygen