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Q: When does sulfur become when it gains two ions?
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How does a sulfur atom become a sulfur ion?

Gains two electrons. S 2-.

Sulfur forms an ion of what charge?

2- Because, to get a full octet, Sulfur gains two electrons to become like Argon, thus it gains a charge of 2-.

How are ions of sulfur different than atoms of sulfur?

Sulfur ions are sulfur atoms that have gained two electrons.

What is the symbol for the sulfur ion?

The symbol is S2- because to become an ion a sulfur atom gains two electrons and each electron has a 1- charge.

When a sulfur atom gains two electrons what happens to it?

It becomes a sulfur ion with a charge of -2.

How are sulfides formed?

Sulfide ion is formed when the sulfur atom gains two electrons from an external atom.

How many electrons does a sulfur atom gain when it becomes an sulfide ion?

Sulpher gains two electrons as it is in group 6 and to be stable it would obviously need two more electrons.. :)

Why do you need two sodium ions for every sulfide ion in sodium sulfide?

Because sodium ions have only one positive electric charge units, but sulfur ions have two negative electric charges each.

What are the two basic ways in which ions form from an atom?

An ion can be formed by either losing or ganing electron(s). E.g. Sodium metal can become the sodium ion by losing one electron . Na)g) = Na^+(g) + e^- Oxygen gas can become the oxide ion by gaining two electrons. O2(g) + 4e^- = 2O^2-(g). NB Uncharged entities are ATOMS . Charged Entities are IONS. The word 'ion', is a collective noun for ; - CATIONS ( positively Charged ions), and ANIONS (negatively Charged ions).

Does a sulfur atom gain or lose an ion and does it lose an electron or proton or neutron?

Sulfur can gain maximum of 2 electrons and lose maximum of 6 electrons.

When this element gains 2 electrons it has the electron configuration of the noble gas Argon?

The element is sulfur with 16 electrons. It gains two electrons to form sulfide ion which has 18 electrons as that of argon.

Do oxygen gain or lose electrons?

Oxygen is an oxidizer, it will gain electrons in a reaction to complete it's valence shell.