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In the Silurian period, from about 430 - 420 mya

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Q: When does the fossil record indicate that fish with jaws appeared?
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Can fish have fossils?

Yes, hundreds of species of fish can be found in the fossil record.

Why are few animals known from their fossil record?

Dinosaurs and fish

What does fossil evidence indicate about the order in which these three vertebrates evolved a bony fish with a jaw a jawless fish and a fish with leglike fins?


What were the few bone effects of the jaw less fish in fossil record?


How many years has the coelacanth fish existed?

Coelacanth fish first appear in the fossil record about 410 million years ago.

What does the discovery of fish fossils in sedimentary rock indicate?

This indicates that the layers of sedimentary rock that constain fish fossils (or any other marine fossil for that matter) indicate there once was a body of water lying over that are of the earth whether it being an ocean or just simply a lake.

What would be better to become a fossil a fish or a mouse?

The fish will become a fossil because of the fish bones on his back.

When did fish first appear in the fossil record?

The first known vertebrate fossils, found at the Chengjiang locality in China, date back to the early Cambrian. These early vertebrates, such as Haikouichthys, are small, tapered, streamlined animals showing eyes, a brain, pharyngeal arches, a notochord, and rudimentary vertebrae. Vertebrates appear to have radiated in the late Ordovician, about 450 million years ago. However, most Ordovician fossil fossil vertebrates are rare and fragmentary, although available material suggests that ancestors of the sharks and jawed fish were present along with various lineages of armored jawless fish. By the middle Silurian, about 400 million years ago, the picture is clearer: the armored jawless fish were quite diverse, and the first definite jawed fish had appeared -- the Silurian is sometimes called the "Age of Fishes." By the late Devonian, 360 million years ago, early cartilaginous fish and bony fish were diversifying.

Which fish is called a living fossil?

The Coeclacanth

What is the study of prehistoric fossil fish?


What are some examples of Fossil Record?

One example of a fossil record is an ammonite. These fossils often show signs of damage like teeth marks that can be used to determine old predators on the sea floor. Another is an fossil depicting early man, which can be used to see how humans have evolved physically and mentally.

What would be a good chance of leaving a fossil a jellyfish or a bony fish?

would a jellyfish make a good fossil