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Q: When does the joker end up in arkham asylum?
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In the arkham asylum 2 sneak peek is the joker old or just beat up?

He's still beat up from when Batman kicked his buttocks and from when he changed back to normal at the end of the the first Batman Arkham Asylum game.

Would injustice joker beat up arkham city joker?

Joker arkham city would beat him up 2 reasons: The Injustice Joker would be tied up and Joker would kick him out of his lair. He would have Injustice Batman with him

What do you do after you beat joker in batman arkham asylum Xbox360?

The story line is finished. You can now collect all the Riddler's questions and "Annalise" all the "beetle" tablets to completely finish up the game.

Will there be a sequel to Batman arkham asylum?

Yes,It Is Called Batman Arkham City And There Might Also Be A Third One Gearing Up For Release In 2013.

Will there be a batman arkham asylum 2?

Arkham asylum 2 will come out 2010 october 3rd i asked the clerk from gamestop myself she looked it up on gamestop realeses and it said october 3rd 2010 yes i preordered it it comes out october 3rd 2011 and it is called batman arkham city the preview is cool

What is better Assassins Creed 2 or Arkham Asylum?

Brotherhood picks up right where 2 leaves off. So if you are looking for Story, start with 2, however brotherhood has a multiplayer mode, which is pretty decent.

Where to get cheap batman arkham asylum toys?

Well I would honestly check out eBay because I found som rather cheap figures from Arkham Asylum on that site. Here is a heads up though, DO NOT COUNT ON TOY WIZ! I saw some ridiculously over priced toys on there!

What would Batman do if he saw Joker fighting the Penguin?

He would aid him.If Penguin tried to lay a hand on Joker, this is what he would say: "You're too dangerous in Arkham Asylum. I will kill you instead like everyone else likes. I will throw you inside the chemicals." (At Ace Chemicals)

What happened to the joker?

At the end of the film, Batman captures The Joker by catching him with a rope when he's falling off a building. He is left hanging there (still very much alive lol) then the police or army, come up and that's all you see. so he was obviously arrested, and that's the last you know of him. :) (r.i.p Heath Ledger :D) xx

Is there another game after batman arkham city?

Yes, at the Spike Video Game Awards when Joker was given an award, he holds up a script that has "Batman Arkham World" written on it. This will probably be the next installment in the series.

How do find Pamela isley in batman arkham asylum?

well wen ur up to the level wen u have to go find her, she'll be in the botanical gardens.

What is the relationship like between Harley Quinn and the Joker?

The relationship could best be described as abusive and obsessive. Dr. Harleen Frances Quinzel, aka Harley Quinn was an Arkham Asylum psychiatrist who became fascinated (as a psychiatric intern at Arkham Asylum) with the brilliant by psychopathic Joker and asked to be assigned to treat him. She fell obsessively in love with him and aided him repeatedly in his escapes. Eventually when he was returned to the asylum badly injured after a battle with Batman, she donned her harlequin costume and became his devoted sidekick, assisting him in his criminal activities. She definitely displays all the symptoms of hybristophilia, basically getting turned on by associating with a partner known to have committed an outrage, or crime - especially something such as rape, murder, or armed robbery. Quinn's relationship with the Joker is really twisted. The Joker is typically abusive and manipulative towards Harley, but, there is still a lot of (really weird - as only the Joker could be) playfulness between them, sometimes camaraderie and even affection towards her. Harley is the only person who every managed to get close to the Joker emotionally. This fascinates, confuses and irritates the Joker - which has led him to sometimes save her at his own risk and sometime try to kill her. She has gotten so angry with the Joker that she once teamed up with Batman to help defeat him - intending to kill the Joker in revenge for what he had done to her, but when he apologized, she fell head-over-heels for him again and rejoined him. Their relationship is both hot (very hot!) and cold (as in literally trying to kill each other).