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So the cub will know how to hunt when it is older.

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Cubs as young as six months try to capture small prey like hares and juvenile Gazelles. However, they may have to wait as long as 15 months of age to make a successful kill on their own.

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Q: When does the mother start showing the cheetah cub how to hunt?
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How does a cub learn to hunt?

Yes, the mother cheetah teaches her cubs to hunt.

Who cares for cheetah cubs?

The cheetah cubs are cared for by the mother cheetah for about eighteen months. The father has no part in raising the baby animals. The mother nurses the cubs, and protects them from predators, as a large number of tiny cubs fall victim to other animals. The mother later teaches them to hunt.

What is the chance that a cheetah will succeed in a hunt?

The chance of a cheetah succeeding in a hunt is about 30%.

What do they call a baby cheetah?

CubA baby cheetah is simply called a cheetah cub. They rely on their mother's to teach them how to hunt, thus stay with the mother until they are two years of age.

Who hunt a cheetah?

Lions, leopards and hyenas will hunt and kill cheetah cubs.

When does the cheetah hunt?

During the day.

Who are the cheetah people?

The cheetah peopple are people who are all about cheetahs, or hunt them.

How fast can a cheetah hunt its prey?

By running up to 46 mph a cheetah can hunt its prey from 3-9 min.

When does a baby lion start hunting?

They immediately hunt for their mother...

What body part does a cheetah use to hunt a deer?

The cheetah usually uses its speed to hunt deer and other animals. They start 30 meters away(100 feet) and then spring foreword and being the chase. The speeding cheetah pulls up beside the fleeing animal,knocks it down and lunges for its throat.

Does a cheetah hunt alone or in a pack?

Cheetahs sometimes hunt alone, but if the a cheetah mother were to give birth to three sons, those three would hunt together. when they congregate in groups, it's called a coalition. this coalition can hunt together. www watch this to see.

Which animal always hunt alone?

A Cheetah