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There are actually four new years in the Jewish calendar:

  1. First of Nisan - this is the day that all holidays are counted from.
  2. First of Elul - the first of the months regarding Maasrot (tithing).
  3. First of Tishrei - Rosh Hashana
  4. 15th of Shevat - Tu B'Shevat - the new year for trees.
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the Jewish New Year begins on the first of Tishrei, Hebrew months. you would have to check the Hebrew calendar for the English date of that.

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Rosh Chodesh refers to the new moon which traditionally marked the beginning of each month in the Jewish calendar.

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The Gregorian calendar is a purely solar calendar, while the Jewish calendar is a solar-lunar calendar. In a bit more detail, the Gregorian calendar has months that have nothing to do with the moon and a leap day is added in February every few years to keep the days and months in their right season. In the Jewish calendar, every month starts with the new moon and a leap month is inserted (by doubling the spring month of Adar) when needed to keep the months in their right season.

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There are Four Traditional New Years in Judaism. 1) Rosh Hashanah (Tishrei 1) This is when the calendars restart (i.e. Year 2000 -> 2001 etc.) 2) Nisan 1: The First Day of Jewish Liberation from Egypt. 3) Tu B'Shvat (Shvat 15) The birthday of the Trees. 4) Your Own Personal Birthday on the Jewish Calendar.

What is the year 2010 according to the Jewish calendar?

It was 5769 up until Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year which this year began on the 18th of September in the secular calendar; so, according to the Jewish calendar, it is now 5770.

What does Rosh chodesh mean?

It refers to the beginning of the new month (according the lunar/jewish calendar)

How many years make a generation by the Jewish calendar before Christ?

Well, The jews are still looking for a Messiah, however if you mean by the New Testament standard I believe they designate a generation as around 25 years.

Which month does yom kipour occor?

Yom Kippur occurs on the 10th of Tishrei on the Jewish calendar. The Jewish calendar is a lunar calendar in that all months begin with the new moon, but leap months are added to keep the calendar aligned with the seasons. As a result, Yom Kippur occurs between mid September and mid October in the civil calendar.

New Year's Day is in which month?

Different religions and cultures celebrate different new years. For example, Chinese New Year is different from Jewish New Year, and both are different from the new year of the Western calendar in which New Year's Day is January 1.

How is the jewish calendar decided?

In ancient times, the beginning of each new month was proclaimed after witnesses had testified to having seen the new moon. Around 1650 years ago, the permanent Hebrew calendar was instituted, since the exigencies of the diaspora made it impossible to continue with the earlier procedure. The Jewish calendar consists of twelve lunar months. It also keeps in step with the solar year, by adding a thirteenth lunar leap-month seven times every nineteen years. The Gregorian calendar, which sticks to the solar year, ignores the lunar months and does not attempt to keep in step with them.

What year itis in Jewish calendar?

The new year that just started is 5771 (9/9/2010)

What was new years day on the gregorian calendar?

the 1st of January

When is new year s?

Ummm.... in your calendar in any calendar it shows you that new years eve is December 31. At 12:00 AM January 1 is when the ball drops to represent New Years. This year it was new years eve December 31 ,2010 and was new years day January 1 ,2011