

When does the next sunspot occurs?

Updated: 9/19/2023
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Q: When does the next sunspot occurs?
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What occurs in a eleven year cycle?

The cycle of sunspot activity.

What occurs in a eleven-year cycle in space?

The cycle of sunspot activity.

Are sunspots most common during a sunspot minimum?

Sunspots are most common during a sunspot (solar magnetic) maximum, this occurs periodically, on an 11 year cycle.

What are some concerns about having a sunspot?

One doesn't have a sunspot, as a sunspot is a phenomenon that occurs on the face of the sun itself. When looked at, there appear to be black spots or marks on the sun where no light is emanating. This is caused by intense magnetic fields which inhibit convection.

How many years pass between a year of where there are many sunspots to the next period of lower amounts of sunspots?

Sunspot activity increases and decreases with a frequency of about eleven years from peak to peak, so there are about five and a half years from a period of highest sunspot activity to a period of lowest sunspot activity. The last peak was in 2001, so the next peak is expected in 2012.

What is the largest sunspot?

Prominence Sunspot in 1945

What are sunspot maximums and sunspot minimums?

Sunspot maximum and sunspot minimum are the points in time (roughly 6 years apart) when the sun is producing the most, or the least sunspots. In the past this has been measured both by sunspot area and sunspot count and is directly tied to the solar magnetic cycle.

What is an example of a sunspot?

This question makes no sense. It's like asking "what is an example of a pencil?" A pencil is a pencil, and a sunspot is a sunspot.

How many years is the sunspot cycle?

The sunspot cycle is about 11 years in length.

How big is a large sunspot?

A Large Sunspot can be up to about 10,000 miles across.

Do meteors cause sunspot?

No they do not. S sunspot is basically a magnetic storm on the the Sun's Photosphere.

Is eclipse a dark patch on the sun?

No. A dark patch on the sun is a sunspot. A solar eclipse occurs when the moon passes between Earth and the sun, partially or completely blocking its light.