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When you eat and drink alcohol and spice food

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Q: When does the sloughing off of the esophagus occur in life?
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Where is sloughing stratum corneum cells?

At the superficial layer of the corneum layer of the epidermis. Its many squamous epithelial cells keratinized and filled with desmosomes, that comes off in one connective bunch. Sloughing stratum corneum cells, is a quit literal name a sloughing (falling off) corneum cell.

How does the epithelia of esophagus relate to its function?

The epithelium is non-keratinized stratified squamous epithelium with scattered mucus glands. Let's go through each of these characteristics: Stratified - Many cells so that friction from esophageal objects does not scrape off deep cells. Squamous - Flat cells that allow sloughing off and closer packing Mucus Glands - Lubricate the passage of food down esophagus All these things help the function of esophagus to transfer food from mouth to stomach!

What is normal endometrial thickness of postmenopausal woman?

About 3mm thickness before sloughing off.

What is the tube that branches off of the esophagus?

The organ that branches off in front of the esophagus is the pharynx.

Is it true that drinking vinegar can help with cancer off the esophagus?


When the sperm doesn't meet the egg what type of discharge does the vagina have?

The vagina will experience menses, which is the sloughing off of the uterine lining, in what is commonly called a "period."

The esophagus and trachea branch off of the?

The esophagus is a tube the connect the oral cavity to the stomach. The trachea is a tube that connects the oral and nasal cavity to the lungs.

In anatomy is laryngopharynx the spot where trachea and esophagus intersect?

Yes, at the start of the laryngopharynx the airway branches off from the esophagus and becomes the Larynx (voicebox) and at the larynx (at about C5 vertibra) commences the trachea

What is the function of osephagus?

the ESOPHAGUS is a tube in the throat which food goes down when you swallow. (swallowing is mostly involuntary because the esophagus is made of smooth muscle, a type of muscle that works without control of the brain.) The food goes down into the stomach. On the top half of the esophagus is a sphincter, as well as on the bottom half. they help close off the esophagus.

What is the main job of the teeth?

To bite off and grind food into material that can pass through the esophagus.

What is the name for the process of snakes shedding their skin?

When a snake sheds its skin, you will first see little flakes of it come off, when you see this make the surroundings slightly more humid and give your snake fresh water daily and a place to hide.Then eventually, the snake will rub its skin off on rocks or anything else it can find, then the skin should come off in one whole piece.If not then your snake might not be so healthy...hope this helped XD

When in everyday life does diffusion occur with liquids?

Deodorants , any smelly liquids the gas given off defuses around the air