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No, they only test for blood born infections like HIV and Hepatitis. Herpes isn't passed through blood. A seperate blood test should be done for herpes by your doctor.

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Q: When donating blood do they test for herpes?
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Does having herpes prevent you from donating plasma?

Currently having chicken pox (herpes virus) would prevent you from donating plasma (since you would be 'unwell'). Having had chicken pox in the past will not prevent you donating plasma or blood. Currently having shingles ( a reactiviation of the chicken pox virus) would prevent you from donating plasma/blood (again, you would be considered 'unwell'). However having a cold-sore (again, herpes virus), or minor herpes on a small patch of skin should not prevent you from being able to donate plasma/blood.

Can you work out after a blood test?

Yes, you can work out before donating blood. You should make sure you are adequately hydrated before donating, though.

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I don't have insurance and need a blood test to see if I have herpes how much?

go to for a herpes test. the cost is around $100.

Can you be tested and the test is negative for herpes and still have it?

I believe that herpes can only be tested for by swabbing the lesion. There is no blood test for herpes according to my Dr. So, therefore, all blood will come back negative for herpes. Regardless of the true status of the testee. There is of course a blood test for herpes. Herpes is a viral infection in your blood streamso obviously, a blood test would be able to tell you if you have the virus or not. I'm not sure how long/soon after possible contact you should get a blood test that will give you an accurate reading but there are two ways to test if you have herpes: 1. If you have something that looks like a possible herpes outbreak then you can go to your Doctor and have him or her take a test swab. He or she will look at it under a microscope and can determine if it is herpes. Or2. Get your blood drawn and ask your Doctor to test specifically for herpes. It takes about 5-6 days to receive the verdict but I'd trust a blood test over anything.Good Luck!

Can a herpes outbreak affect the results of blood pregnancy test?

Definately not.

Can you get HIV through donating blood?

You won't get HIV through donating blood.

If you are doing an STD blood test more specifically to search for herpes how long does Ocycotton stay in your system when your have been doing one 80mg pill per day?

Oxycontin won't be found during a herpes antibody blood test.

I wonder if they check your blood type when you go in for a blood draw. Seems to make more sense that way.?

They do not test your blood type for a normal blood draw. They do however test your blood type during pregnancy, when donating blood, and prior to any surgeries.

What types of herpes can you get from a blood tranfusion?

Herpes is spread by skin-to-skin contact, not by blood. You can't get herpes from a blood transfusion.

S it bad donating blood a day before surgery?

is it bad donating blood a day before surgery?

What type of preparation is needed for blood donation?

Patients donating blood will be asked for a brief medical history, have their blood pressure taken, and have their hematocrit checked with a finger stick test prior to donation.