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Q: When driving on bad road where should your hands be on steering wheel?
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When driving a vehicle with airbags what is the safest position for your hands on the steering wheel?

To reduce forearm injuries, hands should be placed on the lower half of the steering wheel, with knuckles on the outside and thumbs streched along the the rim of the steering wheel. Elbows should be able to rest comfortably by your sides.

Are you supposed to crossed hands when your driving?

Your hands should be at the 9 o'clock and 3 o'clock positions on the steering wheel, and not crossed over one another. It's not "10 and 2" anymore because steering-wheel-mounted airbags can break your wrists at that angle.

How do your hands move on the steering wheel when turning?

Your hands should slide around the wheel and never allow your hands or arms to cross.

You should hold your hands in the position on the steering wheel?

9 and 3

On the Pennsylvania driving exam are you supposed to keep your hands on the steering wheel at a red light?

slowely and stop

When driving you should?

look back and when you turn your steering wheel left it goes right so turn the steering wheel the opposite way

When driving reverse you should?

look back and when you turn your steering wheel left it goes right so turn the steering wheel the opposite way

When driving in reverse you should?

look back and when you turn your steering wheel left it goes right so turn the steering wheel the opposite way

What is a padded steering wheel?

A steering wheel that is padded with leather for comforment when driving

Steering wheel is loose while driving?

If the steering wheel is loose while driving the steering rack may be going bad. A bad steering rack leads to a lot of play on the actual wheel.

Which position should you hold your hands on the steering wheel?

The popular belief is that having your hands at 10 and 12 is the safest way to drive, but this is wrong. According to AAA, the best way to hold the steering wheel is to place your hands at 9 and 3.

Why does your steering wheel vibrate when you are driving and coasting?

A car's steering wheel will vibrate when driving if the car's alignment needs to be adjusted.