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DC current?

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Conventional current. Meaning, it is following the convention of charge flowing from positive to negative, even though we know from physics that electrons actually flow from negative to positive. Conventional current is used in most electrical engineering calculations.

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Q: When electricity flows from the positive pole to the negative pole its called?
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What is the path that electricity follow?

An electric current flows from negative to positive.

What is difference between positive and negative conductor?

There is no positive and negative conductor. There are just two ends of a conductor, namely positive and negative. It is usually said that electricity flows from the positive to the negative side of a conductor, but scientists have discovered, that current consists of electrons that always flows from the negative to the positive side.

What is the conventional theory of electricity?

Conventional Electrical theory (simplified) states that electricity flows from positive to negative in contrast to Electron Theory which supposes negative to positive flow of electrons.

What is the electon theory?

The theory belief is that electricity flows from a negative source to a positive source.

How would you describe the electron theory?

The belief that electricity flows out from a negative source seeking a positive conclusion.

How does electricity flow from a battery through a circuit?

Not as you might think. Electricity flows FROM the negative pole, through the circuit, and then electrons flow into the positive pole.

What is it called when positive and negative charges transmit energy?

Because in an unbalanced system, the positive end a positive charge, and the negaticve end has a negative charge. Though current (which is reletive to the "positiveness" of an area) flows from positive to negative, electrons flow from negative to positive.

When heat flows into a system its value is When heat flows out of a system its value is negative?

Heat is energy and cannot be negative, If you are talking about heat flow then if you define outflow to be negative then inflow is positive.

What is through a discontinuous circuit which no current can flow?

meaning that the current from your power source doesn't return to the positive end (electricity flows from - negative, to + positive)

When flows into a system its value is positive. When heat flows out of a system its value is negative.?


Does DC electricity affect a compass?

Yes. Electricity flows from the negative side of a battery to the positive side. If you wrap your hand around the wire with the thumb following the electricity, the magnetic field will be moving in the same direction as the way your fingers are curled.

When heat flows into a system its value is positive. When heat flows of a system its value is negative.?

when heat flows Out of a system