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First, according to the equation E=MC2 where E is energy M is mass or matter and C is the speed of light, and several of Einstein's/Newtons/other various scientists... theories. Energy, and matter, CANNOT be destroyed, only converted.

However, when converting energy to matter the above equation will answer your question. We know that a certain amount of energy can be converted into a certain amount of matter. We also know that that energy cannot be converted all at once. So as you convert more energy into matter the amount decreases, but the speed at which the energy is converted also decreases because the amount of energy available to convert decreased.

A good example of this is the formation of the Universe itself. According to the Big Bang Theory an extremely dense area in space suddenly exploded/expanded because of the amount of matter and potential energy in that area. The matter and potential energy were converted into raw kineticenergy. Because there was so much raw energy in that initial area in space after the "Big Bang" matter immediately started forming (i.e. space "dust" particles, mostly Hydrogen) Sidetrack: We know that Hydrogen is the most abundant atom in our Universe.

But, as our Universe expanded and the raw energy spread out (less energy per light-year) less energy was converted into matter evidenced by the fact that less Hydrogen atoms were present in less "active" parts of space.

The same is also true when applied to matter converting into energy. In a formation of a solar system the gravitational attraction between particles(matter/mostly Hydrogen) causes the particles to spin causing the atoms to move quicker and closer together until a "Fusion Reaction" occurs, hence our Sun. Fusion reactions emit light, a form of energy.

But, as a star nears the end of its life, there is less matter present in a star. Because there is less matter present less fusion reactions occur, therefore less light or energy is emited.

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Q: When energy is converted from one form to another does the amount of energy converted increase decrease or the stay the same?
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