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Q: When explorers first laid eyes on these animals in Africa around 480 BC they thought they were seeing a tribe of hairy women What animals?
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The Portuguese explorers began the age sailing down and around the coast of which continent?

The Portuguese explorers began sailing around the coast of Africa

First European nation to send explorers around the west coast of Africa?

First European nation to send explorers around the west coast of africa? He does that to every question he see's^ But the answer is: The Portuguese.

Who sent portuguese explorers to west Africa?

prince henry the navigator sent out several ships to explore the western coast of africa :)

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First European nation to send explorers around west coast of Africa?

Portugal (The Portuguese)

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Is it true or false that Vasco da Gama and Bartolomeu Dias were early European explorers who sailed around Africa?

Yes, they were European explorers who were the first to round the Cape of Good Hope. Dias did first, but then his crew forced him to return. Vasco da Gama was the first to reach India by sailing around Africa.

Do animals really roam around in nebula hotel of south Africa?

of coarse

Who are the first explorers?

The first explorers were early humans who migrated out of Africa around 60,000 years ago, spreading to other parts of the world in search of food, shelter, and resources. These early explorers paved the way for future explorers and settlers to discover new lands and establish connections between different civilizations.

Where did the Portuguese explorers travel?

Pedro Alvarez Cabral was a Portuguese explorer who discovered Brazil. Vasco de Gama and Bartolomeu Dias traveled around the Cape of Good Hope and the rest of the Portuguese explorers traveled to Africa.