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Q: When farmers select animals or plants to usefor breeding they look for?
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What are humans select organisms for breeding based on traits?

Humans use selective breeding to pass desired traits to the next generation of plants or animals.

What is the process by which humans select plants or animals for breeding based on disired traits?

They selectively breed them. So that the animal has the best characteristics possible. Examples are pigs with more fat or sheep with thicker wool.

What are the methods used for getting desired characters for plants?

Selected breeding. You select the plants that you want and breed them and get rid of the others.

When farmers select the largest hogs the fastest horses or the cows that produce the most milk for breeding is called?

This is called selective breeding or artificial selection, opposed to natural selection.

Select the features plants and animals that are characteristic of the coniferous forest biome?


Name two methods of selective breeding in plants?

humans select which plant will reproduce with which plant.

Humans used blank to select desirable breeds of animals or strains of plants to cultivate?

artificial selection

What technique has been used to modify agricultural plants?

Genetic modification is a new technique. The oldest is domestication, where you select and breed the best plants or animals.

What in humans select traits that will be passed from one generation to another elective breeding or natural selection?

elective breeding

What bitechnological method make selective breeding in the livestock possible?

DNA analysis is being used to select animals for selective breeding. Studies are underway correlating certain genetic profiles with characteristics such as disease resistance, milk production, growth rates, and feed utilization.

What are two traits that farmers select for when breeding replacements to help reduce ill health?

can choose bulls that have been selected for health traits by culling stock that get the disease, and offspring,you end up mob less likely to get desease

What are some organisms that was been produced by selective breeding?

I'm unaware of any animals which cannot be selectively bred. If offspring are produced through the mating of male and female of the species, you should be able to select for the most desirable traits in both parents. This assumes, of course, that the breeding stock are already in captivity.