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No, when a female is spayed all of her reproductive organs are removed. She can no longer come into heat and bleed.

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Q: When fixed do females dog still get there period?
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Would a male dog leave if there are no females around?

If he wasnt fixed, he would run off looking for a female. (This happend too my dog, make sure too get them fixed)

How long after a females dog's period will a male dog calm down?

A female is in heat about 2 weeks from the beginning of bleeding

Can you still get your dog fixed after they go into heat?

Of course. Ask your vet.

When a dog is fixed can it still go in heat?

No but the dog can "think" it's i heat, it may go broken backed (humped even though it's fixed)

Should fixed malesdogs lock with unfixed females dogs in heat?

Yes My dog Peter has locked with my female do numerous times. My female dog also was not in heat at the time. It is actually a regular occurance in my household and my male dog has been fixed for 2 years now.

What happens when a male dog is close to a female dog that has her period?

He will try to mate with her, stand up on her back & hump her. If she is not fixed she will get pregnant.

Is it harmful when a male dog licks the females blood from her period?

Although gross it is natural for a dog to lick blood off of another dog because they are cleaning and helping heal the other dog. Although in the case of period blood no healing will occur.

My male dog has been fixed can he still have young?

No, he doesn't have testicles anymore and that is where the sperms are.

Will the tie happen if female dog is not in heat?

it can happen. This has even happened with females who were fixed. However, a female dog MAY still be in heat even if she is no longer bleeding. Heat cycles usually last 3 weeks. Be sure to keep the female away from any intact males for her entire cycle

If a dog is fixed will she still have a period?

She will no longer have a period because when she gets spayed all the vet is doing is taking out her reproductive organs

Do dogs that are fixed put off a scent that makes other dogs hump them?

Even if a female dog is fixed, if she is on her period, there won't be blood, but she will still give off the nasty smell and that could possibly attract the males, yes. Sometimes though, a male dog (or MAYBE, female) just gets overexcited and, well, you know the rest :D

What if your dog is fixed but still bleeds?

take/call the vet because I doubt that is normal when we got our dog fixed she didn't do that.