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do first aid

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Darien Renner

Lvl 10
2y ago
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Q: When giving care to a victim after assessing the scene and the victim is lying on his stomach what is the first step the first aider should do?
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When beginning mouth to mouth respiration you should start with?

When beginning mouth to mouth respiration, you should start by assessing the victim with the ABC's (Airway-tilting the victim's head back to ensure open airway, Breathing-make sure that the victim's chest is going up and down that means the victim is breathing, Circulation- check the victim's pulse) If the victim is not breathing, skip checking the pulse and start CPR. First, give the victim two breaths. Breath in and out when giving the breaths just as you would when you breath regularly. Then, start giving the victim CPR pumps or whatever you call it when you pump the victim's chest. This is all I can tell you- I am a lifeguard and if you want to know all about CPR you need to be properly taught. :)

When should you use a barrier device when giving rescue breaths?

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minimizing interruptions means you will not be as tired giving CPR

You're the first to arrive at the scene of a vehicle accident and are assessing a burn victim The victim has blisters deep redness around the burn and shiny skin?


You're the first to arrive at the scene of a vehicle accident and are assessing a burn victim The victim has blisters deep redness around the burnand shiny skin You classify the injury as a?


You are the first to arrive at the scene of a vehicle accident and are assessing a burn victim The victim has blisters deep redness around the burn and shiny skin?

Type your answer here... PARTIAL THICKNESS

You're the first to arrive at the scene of a vehicle accident and are assessing a burn victim The victim has blisters deep redness around the burn and shiny skinYou classify the injury as a?

Partial thickness

If you are the first to arrive at the scene of a vehicle accident and are assessing a burn victim The victim has blisters deep redness around the burn and shiny skin What type of burn is it?

First degree burn.

You're the first to arrive at the scene of a vehicle accident and are assessing a burn victim The victim has blisters deep redness around the burn and shiny skin You classify the injury as a?

Partial Thickness

You're the first to arrive at the scene of a vehicle accident and are assessing a burn victim the victim has blister deep redness around the burn and shiny skin you classify the injury as a burn?

Partial Thickness

You're the first to arrive at the scene of a vehicle accident and are assessing a burn victim The victim has blistersdeep redness around the burn and shiny skin You classify the injury as a?

"Partial Thickness" or 2nd degree burn.