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Q: When goldfish lay eggs do they have to be in a tank by themselves?
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Does a goldfish lays eggs?

Goldfish do lay eggs. The eggs will attach to something in the tank or bowl until they hatch.

Where in the tank do goldfish lay eggs?

Usually at the bottom of the tank in the rocks.

How does a goldfish have babies?

Goldfish lay eggs. These eggs attach to objects in the tank or pond, like leaves. They stay there until the goldfish fry hatch.

Why is your comet goldfish laying eggs on the bottom of the tank?

because it cannot get out to lay them in the corner

Will goldfish lay eggs in a fish blow?

Goldfish need to mature before they can lay eggs and they can get pretty large (6" or more). By the time they are large enough, they have outgrown a fish bowl. So technically, the answer is no. You will need large goldfish in a large tank before you can breed them.

Does goldfish lay eggs or live birth?

If there is a male & female together in a tank, the male will chase the female poking his head against her side & belly to get her to release eggs. If she does, he will then release what is called milt in an attempt to fertilize the eggs.Then the breeder will remove the eggs from the tank into a shallow container and care for the eggs until fry are born which are cared for until they are big enough for a regular tank.

When do the goldfish have the babies?

When they mate a few days after they will eggs. They tend to do this when it is about 70 degrees in the tank as it simulates spring when they would lay eggs in the wild.

Where do goldfish lay eggs?

Goldfishes do not lay eggs in the aquariums at home. They require the right temperature, lots of plants and a big tank. When they lay eggs, you can find them attached to a piece of plant or a leaf.

When will a goldfish lay eggs?

when you get it a mate.

Does goldfish lay eggs?

yes cause they are animals not mammals Yes, goldfish do lay eggs. They will typically breed after a significant temperature change in the water - usually in the spring. The eggs are adhesive and will attach themselves to aquatic surfaces and vegetation. The eggs will hatch and the fry will emerge within 2 - 3 days.

What should you do if your goldfish is pregnant and you have a small tank?

Goldfish are not livebearers so they are never truly pregnant. If you think your goldfish is pregnant than she is just getting ready to spawn by becoming full of eggs. Unless there is a male goldfish present the eggs will be unfertilized and will not hatch into baby goldfish fry. Your female goldfish will soon lay her eggs, and if no further action is taken, she will then eat them. As for the small tank, I would really recommend moving her into a bigger one.

Can a goldfish lay eggs?

Yes. Laying eggs is how they reproduce.