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Q: When hereditary information from tow parts of a single organism or from two organisms of the same species is combined it is called?
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Where is the hereditary information of an organism located?

Most of the hereditary information that determines the traits of an organism is located in the nuclei cells of an individual body.

What is the genetic composition of an organism?

A genome of an organism is described by all of the organism's hereditary information. Anthing that the organism gets from strictly hereditary sources are considered the genome type of the organism.

Are chromosomes organism?

Chromosomes are not defined as organisms, but they are found in organisms. The chromosomes are part of an organism's genetic information. ~KKMG1

What is the appearance of a heredity trait?

The appearance of a hereditary trait would be called the organisms phenotype. The morphological and behavioral characteristics of the organism.

What does DNA do to organisms?

they help living organism get enough information to make another organism

What does genetic varation really mean?

since GENETIC is the compilation of DNA strands to form a gene that acts as a determinant to the growth pattern of an organism, that is the type of hereditary information the organism posses. and VARIATION is a change that exist between organisms..... thus; the word genetic variation is a change that exist between organisms of a particular specie as a result of change(s) that has occurred in their gene....

What is genomics?

The complete hereditary history of an organism. Answer A genome is all the genetic information in the haploid portion of chromosomes of a cell

What is the term of organisms?

Organisms is the plural of organism

What do scientific names classify organisms by?

Binomial Nomenclature classifies organisms with two names each. The first of the two is the name of the Genus that the organism is in. The second name is the name of the Species itself. These two names are then combined to form the full name of the organism.

What is the relationship between genes and the genome?

The genome is the totality of all genetic material, both coding sequences (genes) and non-coding sequences, in an individual organism.

Where is the hereditary information of an organism contain?

Hereditary information, or genetic information, is largely contained within an organism's DNA. DNA is found in the nucleus of cells and is organized into structures called chromosomes. Each chromosome contains hundreds or thousands of genes, which are small sections of DNA that encode instructions for the development and functioning of the organism. Genes contain all of the information needed to make proteins, which are essential for the survival and functioning of the organism. More specifically, hereditary information is broken down into the following components: Nucleotides - Nucleotides are the building blocks of DNA, and they come in four varieties: adenine (A), thymine (T), guanine (G), and cytosine (C). Genes - A gene is a segment of DNA that contains instructions for making a specific protein. Chromosomes - Chromosomes are structures in the nucleus of cells that contain the genetic material. Humans have 23 pairs of chromosomes. DNA - DNA is a molecule that contains the genetic instructions used in the development and functioning of all known living organisms. It is made up of two strands of nucleotides that are twisted together in a double helix.These components are essential to the functioning of an organism, and they are responsible for passing on hereditary information from one generation to the next.

What is the gene pool of a species?

Genome is the entirety of an organism's hereditary information. It is either encoded in DNA or for many viruses, in RNA.