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When you go to the dentist be SURE to bring pain killer pills it may not hurt right then but maybe later it will really hurt.something esle to know is when you get home brush your teeth WELL.I didn't now that Android had to go back to the orthodontist.

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Q: When i go to the orthodontists to get my braces off in a few days should i take some pain killers or will it not hurt too much anything else i should know?
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How do you get ride of gap in your front two teeth?

First of all, dentists and orthodontists are two different things. Sometimes teeth move after braces. You should see an orthodontist.

Should I get pink or silver braces?

You should get silver braces :)

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well i think you should wear any braces you want but if you realy want help i think blonds should wear silver braces i !!

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yes you should get braces for gaps

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suck it up the doctor cant do anything about it. Its just badly bruised. They cant do anything if its broken either but give pain killers

Can you drink flavored milk while having braces?

Yes you can. You should use a straw whenever you drink anything with sugars in it because it can cause decay behind the braces. Use a good mouth rinse that addresses cavities and germs.

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Yes they should be.

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How do you remove red lipstick on metal braces?

Metal should not stain. You should be able to brush your teeth to remove everything on your braces.

Orthodontic Insurance?

If you have children, you should check into orthodontic insurance. Orthodontic insurance helps pay for braces and other orthodontic devices. Braces can cost you $5,000 per child, and that's just a baseline figure. With orthodontic insurance, you can get ahead of the problem and be ready when your child needs braces. It's not a good idea to wait until a child is a teeanger to try and get coverage. Children as young as five often need an orthodonitc device to help quit sucking their thumb. Sometimes orthodontists use preventative techniques which start as young as seven or eight.

Will braces work?

Well, I have to get braces and my friend had them and his teeth are straight so they should work!! : D

After a labial frenectomy how soon should braces be put on?

You Have a labial frenectomy during the period of wearing braces