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Q: When in labor the term breech means?
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How many babies present in a breech position?

Approximately 4% of babies are in what is called the "breech" position when labor begins

How can you induce the labor of a breech baby?

People can induce labor of a breech baby by eating spicy foods, having sex, and riding in a car on a bumpy road. It is best, however, to allow the baby to come out in their own time.

Which term means difficult labor or childbirth?

Intrapartum means within labor and childbirth.

What is Electronic fetal monitoring done for?

Specific reasons for EFM include: babies in a breech position, premature labor, and induced labor, among others

What is the medical term for having a baby that is in a breech presentation?

It means that the baby is coming out feet first instead of head first. This is very dangerous as the baby is not getting enough oxygen, and results in turning the baby around or having a casearean section.

Will a breech baby halt labor from progressing?

Maybe. The baby's head pushing against the cervix is what helps it dilate.

What is laborers?

Labor means to work hard, and it also refers to a social class of people who do manual labor (work) for wages.It also means to undergo childbirth.

Is drinking Castor Oil while your baby is in breech position safe?

A doctor will never tell you to drink Castor Oil. There are no studies that show Castor Oil will induce labor or help your baby flip from the breech position.

How is chattel slavery is different from other forms of forced labor?

The term chattel means property. Indentured servitude means I own your labor for a set number of years. Chattel slavery means I own you, and can buy you, sell you, or do anything I want to you.

What is the opposite of being born breech?

Being born head first. The medical term is being "vertex."

What is the medical term for healthy normal labor?

Eutocia is the medical term meaning normal, healthy labor and childbirth. In contract, dystocia is the term meaning abnormal or difficult labor and birth.

What is the opposite of a labor union?

Employment-At-WillThe term "non-union shop" means non-unionized employment. The term "open shop" (also merit shop) means unionized employment where union membership is not required.