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Q: When is Bar Mitzvah Celebrated and Observed?
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Why do Jews have a ceremony about a bar and bat mitzvah?

The Bar Mitzvah is a Jewish ceremony that dates to the 13th century and confirms that a Jewish boy has come of age and should be seen as an adult in the community. The celebration of coming of age remains an important rite in Judaism.

What do you call a bar mitzvah for two boys?

When my twin brothers celebrated their mutual bar mitzvah, the event was generally referred to as a 'double bar mitzvah'. Of course, that was quite a while ago, way back in 5725. Maybe there's been a catchy new label invented since then, I don't know. _____ You just pluralize bar - bnai mitzvah

Why do Jewish boy have a barmitsfa?

well t doesn't have to be celebrated, as soon as the boy has his 13th Hebrew birthday he is a Bar Mitzvah, the celebration is just kinda a nice thing to do

What does a synagouge have to do with a bar mitzvah?

It is where the Bar Mitzvah ceremony takes place.

When does person have bar mitzvah?

A boy has his Bar Mitzvah at age 13.

Can you have your bat or bar mitzvah at any age?

Yes! There are a number of reasons for having an adult Bar Mitzvah - you may not have celebrated it when you were a child, you may have converted in later years, or you may have experienced a spiritual awakening, and you want to mark your commitment to the Jewish people again - as a mature adult. You can have a bar/bat mitzvah at any age, although there is a custom to have a second bar mitzvah at age 73.

When and where was the first bar mitzvah?

The first Bar Mitzvah was that of Isaac, the son of Abraham, in 1699 BCE, here in Israel (Canaan). Since Abraham kept the precepts of Judaism before the Revelation at Sinai (Talmud, Yoma 28b), he observed this precept among them.

Is it correct to call someone bar mitzvah?

Yes, the boy is called 'a/the bar mitzvah' which translates as 'son of mitzvah'. For a girl, it would be 'a/the bat mitzvah' 'daughter of mitzvah'.

How is the Bar Mitzvah ceremony celebrated?

It is normally celebrated by the Bar Mitzvah boy (13 years old) is called up to read part or all of the weekly Torah portion in the synagogue. After that the family may chose to celebrate by having a party. For more info on Bar Mitzvah you can check out

Does one become a bar mitzvah or become bar mitzvah?

The phrase is a noun. The "bar mitzvah" is the person ... the male Jew who turns 13 years old. At that age, the responsibility for his religious observance, and his moral, ethical, and social conduct, become his, and are no longer the responsibility of his parents. This is the situation of that person when he turns 13, whether or not the occasion is celebrated or acknowledged in any way, and whether or not anybody is even aware of it. The person has become a bar mitzvah. An adult convert to Judaism is a bar mitzvah immediately. There is no ceremony that creates this status, just the fact the man is over the age of 13.

Who is the Bar Mitzvah ceremony for?

The key player in the Bar Mitzvah boy is the 13 year old Jewish boy, his family and friends are invited to join in the celebration. For more info on Bar Mitzvah check out

What is the female equivalent of bar mitzvah?

Bat Mitzvah