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Greek myth has no dates: hence no birth-dates/day.

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Q: When is Persephone the goddesses birthday?
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Related questions

How did Persephone die?

Gods and Goddesses do not die.

What was the cause of Persephone and Demeter?

Both Demeter and her daughter Persephone were goddesses of the earth and growing things.

How did Demeter know where Persephone was?

Goddesses are all knowing.

What are the Greek goddesses weaknesses?

Persephone has no weaknesses - she is a Greek goddess.

How long did Persephone live?

Greek gods and goddesses were immortal.

How does Hades wife die?

Hades' wife is Persephone, Persephone is a Goddess. Gods and Goddesses don't die, they are immortal.

Is persephone the oldest?

No: Demeter and Hades were brother and sister, so older then Persephone, and after Persephone was made Queen of the Underworld she met gods and goddesses older still.

How did Demeter and Persephone affect the seasons?

Demeter and Persephone were both goddesses of the earth. Gaia (Earth) through her daughter Rhea, who was the mother of Demeter and grandmother of Persephone.

What are the famous goddesses names?


What are the names of the beautiful young goddesses of nature?

Demeter, Persephone, and Artemis

When did Persephone die when nobody knew about her?

Persephone never died. She's a goddess. Gods and Goddesses can't die. They're immortal.

What did Aphrodite not like about Artemis Athena and Persephone?

Virginity - they were goddesses who did not embrace love/men: Persephone was stolen by Hades and made his wife.