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Greek gods and goddesses were immortal.

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Q: How long did Persephone live?
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Where did Persephone live?

the underworld

How long was Persephone married?

Persephone and Hades are still married.

What is Persephone's abilities?

i live on the west side

Where does Persephone live other than the underworld?

in her house

Where did Persephone live with her mother 9 months of the year?

It is likely that Persephone dwelt with Demeter either upon Olympus or the earth.

How long long does Persephone stay on earth?

Some myths say that for one third of the year Persephone stays with Hades, and for two thirds of it with her mother.

What did Persephone do that was nice?

Persephone is Queen of the Underworld and the Isle of Blessed in the Underworld is her domain; she is also the Goddess of Spring, which is nice because plants live again.

How long does Persephone stay on the Earth?

Some myths say that for one third of the year Persephone stays with Hades, and for two thirds of it with her mother.

How long did Persephone had to stay with Hades?

Every year, Persephone spends the autumn/winter (when plants die) with Hades, and returns with spring/summer.

Where did Persephone the goddess live?

Persephone once lived with her mother, Demeter. However, she was abducted by Hades. After an altercation between Demeter and Hades, it was decided that Persephone would resides with Hades for 3 months of the year. The other months of the year she lives with her mother.

What is the story of Persephone and hades?

Hades abducted Persephone, Demeter her mother went in search of her and her duties were neglected and humans started to starve, then Demeter learned where Persephone was and demanded her daughter back and Zeus agreed so long as Persephone had not eaten or drank anything while in the Underworld, but she had; so Persephone spends half the year above the earth with her mother and half below with Hades her husband.

How long did Persephone have to stay in the Underworld after she ate the seeds?

Persephone stays in the Underworld for half of the year (six months) and is allowed to return to Olympus for the other half.