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The World Health Organization recommends exclusive breastfeeding for AT LEAST 6 months and thereafter to continue breastfeeding alongside appropriate complimentary foods at least until the age of 2 and thereafter for as long as both the baby and mother wish to continue.

The notion that children should stop when they have teeth is completely fallacious, as babies commonly break teeth by even three months or sometimes even earlier - a time when all medical organizations in the world recommend EXCLUSIVE breastfeeding.

The world-wide average age of breastfeeding cessation is 4 ½ years.

Continued breastfeeding will boost a child's immunity, until the child's immune system is fully developed, around the age of 6 years.

There are significant health risks associated with NOT breastfeeding.

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Q: When is a child too old to breast feed them?
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never. sucking is one of the first things a baby learns to do. its basically automatic and stays with you for a lifetime.

Why are breasts used?

boobs are used to feed a child, after giving birth the woman's boobs with now flow with breast milk, in result of giving their child the nutritats taht it needs from the milk also men love boobs too ! :)

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No, what you drink goes to the baby too.

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No it is not.

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Is age 18 too old. Sure would have solved a lot of problems.

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I think that the average 2 year old should way about 25 pounds,i recommand you put your child on a mainted diet,feed him or her healthier foods. sincerly, your health professer

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Because girls have babies and guys don't. They need boobies to breast feed. Guys get curious and want some milk too

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I don't think it's illegal, maybe frowned upon. But a mother has to do what a mother has to do to feed her children. If someone doesn't like it, tell them to feed your children and you won't have too sell the supplies. Just make sure you don't run out for the sake of your child.

You are pregnant in 5 mounths Could you breast feed your baby girl of 1 year and 8 mounths?

More than likely, no. Your milk should not come completely in until the onset of labor. Attempting to express milk or feed another child can also cause early labor,something you certainly don't want at 5 months. When your baby gets here, you don't want you older child to want to feed on your breasts too. This can cause sibling jealousy, when baby is getting to eat, and big sis isn't. I personally wouldn't recommend trying it.

How was a 9 year old child able to give birth?

i am 9 year old child and if you are too no one is able to give birth this is kind of crazy !

There's a 3 day old baby squirell in my house what should I feed it?

feed it looooooootttttttttttttttttttttttts of nuts like, cashew, peanuts, apples are good too.