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Betta fin rot is never "too advanced". There are three things that you will use to treat all fin rot, no matter the severity: clean clean water, warmth, and proper food. If the tank is unfiltered, change the water daily or at the LEAST every other day. This keeps more bacteria out of the wound and lets new fin tissue regrow. New fin tissue will be whitish or clearish and very thin and wispy at first.

Secondly, warmth. Bettas are a tropical fish and cool water lowers their immune system. If his water is not at least 72* F, he is too cold. Ideally he should be around 78* F. You must either move his tank to a warm part of the house or get him a heater. Your local pet store should have a small heater for bettas. If you don't know what temp his water is, you need to get him a thermometer too.

Thirdly, proper diet. Ensure the food you're giving him is formulated for bettas. They need more protein than basic "fish flakes" will provide since those are formulated for plant eaters, and the betta is a little carnivore. He will need that protein to regrow his fins.

You may wish to add some aquarium salt too, to aid healing.

If the rot is very advanced (ie, less than a half-inch of tissue left) then you may need to go to your local fish store and buy an antibiotic for fish. This is in addition to the steps listed above.

If you do not treat promptly, this can spread to the betta's body (and is now properly called body rot). At this point, his body will begin to be eaten away by the bacteria and it is probably "too late" to save him yourself. This is why it's important to always keep a betta's tank super clean to begin with to prevent this from ever happening.

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Fin rot can be a fatal disease if you do not attempt to cure it before it gets too bad. Unfortunately, I know this from experience, as my own betta died from fin rot. First, you should watch for the symptoms. If your fish's fins are unnaturally ragged and are turning some shade of white, then you can be pretty sure that your fish has fin rot. Once you have identified the sickness itself, you should immediately separate the fish from any other fish and place it in a quarantine tank. In this tank, I would recommend using some aquarium salt and then using antibiotics. There's one called Melaflex or Melafix or something along the lines of that that works quite well. However, remember that prevention is the best cure, so try to provide the best water quality possible for your fish in order for it to avoid the disease altogether. Also, fin rot can be caused by other fish nipping on the infected fish's fins, and once they do, the fin rot will be able to develop. In my case, this was what happened-my angelfish constantly bit the betta's fins off and caused fin rot to develop. Good luck with treating your sick fish, and try to catch the disease before it develops too much!

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You cant tell if the water is to cold for your betta fish how can you tell?

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