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Q: When is midnight Wednesday?
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When can you start eating again if fasting on Ash Wednesday?

You can start eating again as soon as Ash Wednesday is over, midnight.

What day Judas kiss Jesus?

As the Jewish Passover was on our Wednesday that particular year and Christ our Passover Lamb was killed on that Wednesday, this means that if Judas kissed Jesus before Midnight it was our Tuesday, but if was just one minute after Midnight it was our Wednesday: the Bible doesn't say. (Remember that Jewish days begin and end at Sunset, but our western Julian-calendar days begin and end at Midnight.)

What happens when you play the accordian on Wednesday at midnight?

People get really mad and throw things at you.

What time can you find wisp on animal crossing?

You can find Wisp's lamp at about midnight on Wednesday**TIP** Change your time on AC:WW to midnight instead of waiting.At night on a random day.

When is the Ash Wednesday in this year?

This year it starts on March 9 at midnight of the previous night)

What is 72 hours from Sunday night at 12 pm?

72 hours AFTER Sunday night - would be midnight wednesday

Is midnight 12 hours before or after noon on that same day?

Midnight always occurs 12 hours before noon of that same day. I suspect, however, what you are really asking is Does 12:00 midnight begin a day or end a day? Let me explain it this way: Let's say that your teacher tells you that you must hand in your term paper by midnight Wednesday. Must you hand it in at 12:00 midnight as Tuesday turns to Wednesday or as Wednesday turns to Thursday? It is generally accepted that "midnight Wednesday" occurs AFTER the 24 hours of Wednesday have elapsed. So if your teacher rejects your paper that you plopped on his desk at, say, 9:00am on Wednesday because he says it was due by midnight, tell him you're 15 hours early. Which segues nicely into a pet peeve of mine: 12:00am and 12:00pm. Talk about ambiguous! There is no such thing as either one of those times. It's either 12:00 noon or 12:00 midnight. Having said that, though, most people think of 12:00am as midnight. Most, not all. In military time, 12:00 midnight is 00:00 (for those of you that do not know military time, P.M. hours are 13:00-23:00, rather than 1:00pm-11:00pm; A.M. hours are 00:00-12:00, rather than 12 midnight-12 noon). Therefore, using military time, 12:00 midnight would be the beginning of the day. However, as there is no clear line between, the answer above can also be correct. If you're facing a deadline or in another situation where knowing the exact time is important, ask for a specification if possible.

How many hours from 12 midnight Sunday to Wednesday 6 PM?

The answer is 66 + 168*n hours.

What is muffy's Wednesday routine in harvest moon ds?

She goes down to the beach after work, around midnight I think. Hope this helps. :)

Will Deathly Hallows part 2 show at midnight?

Yes, the most likely showing will be at 12 o,clock on Wednesday morning.

When does Lent officially start at midnight or once you've had your ashes?

Roman Catholic AnswerLent officially begins at midnight on Ash Wednesday morning, so on that day you are fasting (only one full meal during the following twenty-four hours) and abstaining (from all meat), until the following midnight.

What if you put your birth control patch on at 1205AM on Thursday but your patch change day is on Wednesday which day do you start changing it on Wednesday your normal day or Thursday?

Since you changed the patch just after midnight, I suggest you keep changing on Wednesday. Changing earlier (Wed) has less risk than changing on Thursday morning or afternoon.