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To remeber swami vivekanand... all his works for the youth... To quote from the Government of India's Communication,

'it was felt that the philosophy of Swamiji and the ideals for which he lived and worked could be a great source of inspiration for the Indian Youth'

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"Be seen, Be heard: Youth Participation in Development" is the focus of International Youth Day 2007. Celebrated Sunday, August 12, the day serves as an opportunity for individuals across the globe to acknowledge the important contributions that young people make in their communities

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International Youth day is celebrated on August 12th.

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When was Youth Day first celebrated?

National Youth Day was first celebrated on the 16 June 1976

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Was youth day celebrated under another name?

Yes national youth day was know as soweto day!

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December 16,1994

Is youth day celebrated under another name?

Youth day was first celebrated under the name Soweto Day

When is youth day celebrated?

Youth day is on June 16th. Your welcome lol

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The Fiji National Youth Day is a time of celebration throughout the young/teen generation of Fiji. It is usually celebrated at major parks with dances, food, culture, handicrafts displays, youths concerns and a time to celebrate the young generation of Fiji. This year 2010, Fiji wont be celebrating the National Youth Day due to Hurricane Tomas which struck the country on the first week of March 2010.

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