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The Vestments. Used the week before Easter.

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Q: When is pink used in lent?
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Related questions

What are the three colors of lent?

Violet is used throughout Lent. However, on the Fourth Sunday of Lent (Laetare Sunday) the liturgical color rose is allowed to be used.

During the Lent what is the colors of the churches?

Violet is the liturgical color used throughout Lent. However, on the Fourth Sunday of Lent (Laetare Sunday) the liturgical color rose is allowed to be used.

What color is used for lent?


Does forty days and forty nights refer to Lent?

Yes, that can be used as one way of referring to Lent.

What color is used for Lent and why?

The color assigned for Lent (and Advent) is violet. Violet is the color emblem of penance or sorrow.

The color that symbolizes sorrow for sin and repentance and is used during Lent is?

Violet or purple is the color for Lent.

What does three purple candles and ond pink candle represent-signify for lent-easter?

There are no candles specifically for lent. I believe you are instead thinking of advent and the advent wreath, in which case each candle represents a different theme for each week.

What word is not used in the liturgy during lent?

alleluia or halleuja

What is a pink venflow used for?

A pink venflon is used for blood transfusions and intravenous access. The pink venflon is a 20G which is the size used for some procedures.

What is a sentence for lent?

He lent her the book yesterday.She lent over and picked up her drink.

What are 2 parts of Mass that are not used during Lent?

The only "part" of the Mass omitted during Lent is the Gloria, a prayer normally used after the penitential rite near the the beginning of the Mass. This is the prayer that begins "Glory to God in the highest..." The other thing different about Mass in Lent is the suppression of the word "Alleluia". This one word is used (sometimes repeated 2 or 3 times) just prior to the proclamation of the Gospel. Hymns are sometimes used at Mass (though these are not technically part of the Mass). If a hymn contains the word "Alleluia" it is also not used during Lent.

How do you get lent out of clothes?

with a lent brush