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Simple answer: 14 October (21 days before election) More information below Says: Voter Registration You may register to vote in Oregon if: # You are a resident of Oregon.

# You are a citizen of the United States of America.

# You are at least 17 years of age. Note: If you are 17 years of age, you will not receive a ballot until an election occurs on or after your 18th birthday. To register to vote or update your current registration: # Complete the Voter Registration Form. The form is in a fillable .pdf format. Open the form using the free Adobe Acrobat© Reader and complete it online by tabbing through the fields and typing in the requested information.

# Print the completed form and sign it.

# Mail the form to your county elections office or drop it off in person. If you do not wish to complete the voter registration form online, you may print the form and complete it using black ink. Your county elections office will mail you a card to let you know that your registration was received. If you are registering in Oregon for the first time, your completed voter registration form must be postmarked by the 21st day before an election in order to vote in that election. A voter who is unable, because of the disability, to sign their name should also complete the Signature Stamp Attestation form.

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Q: When is the Oregon deadline to register to vote?
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Yes, as long as you register by your county's deadline. Contact your local Division of Motor Vehicles; they usually facilitate voter registration.

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You have to be atleast seventeen to register to vote.