

Best Answer

Well; A good time when to cast a spell is, when the full moon is in the sky and visible, when you are calm and relaxed, when you can focus on your desire (spell), light some scented candles or incense sticks to lighten your mind and air. Almost perfect conditions for spell casting.

While the full moon is a traditional time for rituals, spells can be cast anytime and anywhere. The best time depends on the practitioner, when, as mentioned above, one is able to be relaxed and focused. Uninterrupted privacy is also a consideration.

A Bit More Information

The moon is an important factor in when to cast spells.

- Spells of increase, and gain should be cast in the waxing moon -from new moon to full moon.

- Spells and Rituals of completion and thanks for gains, are best set at the full moon.

- Spells of decrease, and lessening are best in the waning moon -from full moon to new moon.

- Spells and rituals of beginnings, plantings and inception are best at the new moon.

- Dark moon rituals and spells are usually for self-discovery.

The house the moon is in also determines the workings you can or should do.

Moon in Ares

Battles, combat, conflict, consecration of altar, consecration of swords, ego, energy, energy work, greens, health, heroism, impatience, knives, making trouble, naiveté, new ventures, pioneering, quick results, rescuing people in trouble, restlessness, sarcasm, sharp things, surgery, vitality, war, warriors, weapons, working, on/with magical weapons.

Moon in Taurus (the strongest)

The arts, binding, business, conservation, contacting Deity, dance, endurance, essence of earth, ethics, farming, fertility, Gaia, greed, love, music, patience, physical love, planting, possessions, prosperity, security, self-esteem, sensuality, sex, silence, values, wealth.

Moon in Gemini

Bisexual issues, buying, cars, commerce, communication, computers, consecration of cards, consecration of pictures, consecration of tools, consecration of wands, contacting Deity, dual nature, field trips, friends, gay issues, gossip, ideas, innuendos, intelligence, learning, long distance communication, memory, movement, neighbours, networking, selling, short trips, siblings, sleight of hand, teaching, thievery, telephones, trans-gender issues, transportation, travel, words.

Moon in Cancer (very strong)

Archetypes, buying a home, children, consecration of altars, consecration of chalices, contacting Deity, cooking, divination, eating, establishing a coven-stead, family, finding a home, food, health, helping with problems, home, initiation, keeping secrets, listening to others, looking into the past, mothers, past lives, planting, psychic abilities, raising food crops, real estate, security, starting a tradition, traditions, weather work.

Moon in Leo

Aristocracy, awards, celebrations, children , creativity, dating, fun, gambling, games, giving, investment, kings, leisure work, love, naming a child, parties, play, queens, receiving, recognition, romance, royalty, self-expression, selling a home for profit, speculation, vacation, warmth.

Moon in Virgo

Analysis, business, bureaucracy, consecration of pentacles, consecration of tools, co-workers, crafts, detail work, evocation, food, healing, herbs, herb-lore, logic, low magic, medicine, military, needs of the community, nutrition, obligations, organising, plastic arts, police, relationships, relatives, science, tools, trade, vitamins, wellness, work, the workplace, working with others.

Moon in Libra

Accountants, aid to others, balance, beauty, contracts, dating, debate, diplomacy, discussion, etiquette, justice, lawyers, laziness, legal matters, love, lovers, loyalty, manners, marriage, mentoring, negotiations, partnerships, peace, politeness, pottery, relationships, romance, scrying, socialising, team building, tyranny over the weak, war.

Moon in Scorpio (weakest)

Banishing, consecration of athames, consecration of tools, contacting the dead, contacting other planes, crisis, death, developing psychic talents, divination, emotional truths, energy work, extremes, exorcism, fighters, finding lost items, forging a group identity, hidden talents, hypnotism, initiation, integrity, intensity, keeping secrets, law, mastery, merging with others, morality, morals, noble motivations, purging, purification through suffering, rebirth, regeneration, renewal, research, ritual experience, uncovering hidden things, warriors, will power, work (magical), work with two people.

Moon in Sagittarius (weak)

Ability to perceive right from wrong, accessing Akashic records, big business, business, contacting Deity, contacting higher planes, divination, dreams, dream work, education, eternal optimism, ethics, faith, fame, fun, generosity, good luck, high mysteries, higher learning, judges, language, law, learning, legal matters, long journeys, mind expansion, monopolies, parties, philosophy, publishers, publishing, resilience, serendipity, starting a tradition, teaching, thoughts about the future, wild abandon.

Moon in Capricorn

Achievement, advancement, big business, business, career, clocks, conscience, Crone, degrees, employers, government, hard work, honours, inherited traits, jobs, long term results, mountains, presidents, professions, profound wisdom, promotion, the public eye, reputation, responsibility, respect, rocks, ruthlessness, social climbing, social standing, statesmen, stones, time, traveling long distances, world leaders.

Moon in Aquarius

Acquaintances, anarchy, aspirations, Astrology, authority, bettering the human condition, causes, circumstances beyond your control, clubs, covens, coven work, energy, energy work, fairness, founding a coven, freedom, friends, future, genius, honesty, hope, idealism, legislative bodies, logic, making the world a better place, meeting new people, non-emotional judgment, objective judgment, organisations, reason, social awareness, social upheaval, surprises, trustworthiness, Utopia, work with a coven.

Moon in Pisces

Alcohol, aloneness, bad luck, banality, banishing, brews, charity, chemicals, cleansing, confinement, conquering fear, criminals, divine madness, downtrodden, drawing out poison, dregs, elixirs, endings, examining the hidden aspects of yourself, escapism, facing the past, faith, fear, hidden enemies, high hidden things, high magic, humanitarian concerns, hypnotism, karma, listening to the still small voice, mediumship, merging with Deity, orphans, past lives, possession, potions, prisoners, prisons, psychic healing, reincarnation, secrets, secret societies, spirituality, the unfortunate, vulnerability, welfare, work with incense, work with oils.

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