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You will need protein all the time, but the "best times" to eat protein is before and after your workout. Your muscles require protein after a workout to repair itself, so the protein consumed should will be available after your workout to regenerate those muscles.

Muscle growth is achieved through rest, your muscles are the weakest when you lift, so you need to give them at least 48 hours of rest to grow.

Many people also eat cottage cheese or take casein supplements before going to bed. The reason before this is that casein is a slow digesting protein, so when you are sleeping, your body is still getting that protein in needs to build your muscles while you cant eat in your sleep.

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Q: When is the best times to eat protein to gain muscle when weightlifting?
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How do you get more energy after weightlifting?

After lifting weights the best thing you can do in order to get more energy is to drink a protein shake. Whey Protein is a powder form of the protein from milk. It is highly concentrated and its purpose is mainly for weight lifters. If you cannot get ahold of any protein powders honey is great for energy because of the sugars and regenerative properties for muscle tissue.

Is it ok to drink protein shakes if you lift weights?

yes! protein shakes help you build lean muscle. If you work out as well, it will speed up the process and you will build muscle. The best times for taking protein shakes are in the morning and right after working out. When you work out, your muscles tear. The protein shakes fill those tears to help build muscle faster.

What is the best thing to take while weightlifting to gain muscle mass?

protein make sure you eat lean meats and veggies avoid junk food and work hard during workouts btw don't fall for these muscle magic powders pills etc.... time and proper diet is the only secret to natural body building

What are some good ways for a teen to build muscle?

The most often recommended way to build muscle, regardless of age, is through plain exercise, specifically weightlifting. Combining weightlifting with proper nutrition, hydration, and rest can produce the best results. Some supplements exist but are not proven, and can produce dangerous results.

What is the best suppliment to help gain muscle when weightlifting?

The best way to gain a lot of muscle and fast while weight lifting is to take something called creatine. Creatine can be found easily at a GNC store and I think walmart too.

What are the best supplements to aid muscle growth?

equal levels of protein and irons

What is the best weight training exercise?

If you are unfit or overweight, your body is poor at burning fat and can use the protein in your muscles as fuel instead, causing you to lose lean body mass. Therefore, the best way to build muscle is to improve your body's fat-burning ability through two forms of exercise: Weightlifting and aerobic conditioning.

What supplement is best to increase muscle mass?

Supplement with whey protein and BCAAs as these will help you to increase the size of your muscle along with lifting weights. Ensure you have a diet which has good amounts of protein.

What are the best muscle supplements?

You can just take a simple protein and achieve good results.

What are the best diet and exercise plans to build muscle?

Any diet that you go on to gain muscle should include a lot of protein. Protein will help build and repair muscles after you work out. P90x is a good workout plan to build muscle.

The best way to build muscle is to eat extra protein?

Having extra protein in your body merely provides a stockpile of fuel/food for potential muscle growth, but you need to work the muscles. Without the work, the extra protein gets you nothing.

What is the best product for putting on weight?

Eat high in carb and protein foods. This will increase the growth of muscle and muscle weighs more then fat.