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Q: When is the elction day for the prensidency?
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How do you spell elction?

The correct spelling is "election".

Is Ron Paul winning the elction?

god NO

How did seventeenth amendment changed the nature of senatorial elction?


Who ran for the elction in 1828?

Andrew Jackson and John Q. Adams

Who did New Hampshire want for the elction of 1828?

John Q. Adams

Who did Colorado's elctoral votes go to in the 2008 elction?

To President elect Obama.

What was true about the presidential elction in 1952?

Eisenhower did not attack his opponents, leaving that job to his running mate, Richard Nixon

How did the court packing plan affect Franklin Roosevelt's plan for the new plan?

it weakend the elction for a new legislation

How did the elction of 2004 help the democrats even though they lost?

the grassroot campain (apex)

How did the court packing plan affect Franklin D. Roosevelt's plan for the new deal?

it weakend the elction for a new legislation